Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Depression - In Women

Women are twice likely to have depression than men. The reason for this is not completely clear, but it might be because of some factors unique to women such as changes in hormone levels, abuse and oppression. These factors are likely to increase the chances of women developing depression.

Common Causes of Depression

Chemical imbalance in the brain

Stressful life events such as death of a loved one, divorce or moving from an area, or a comfortable zone to another.

Side effects from taking specific drugs

The abuse of alcohol and drugs


Other Depression Causes for Women

It's common to see most women after giving birth start to have mood swings, which is known as baby blues. They start to find it difficult to concentrate, they lose their appetite or can't sleep when their baby is sleeping. This is almost normal and the symptoms often disappear within 10 days, but in some cases it doesn't and when that happens, it's known as postpartum depression.

Symptoms of Depression in Women

Lost of interest in previously enjoyed activities (including sex)

Regular feeling of sadness, hopelessness and frequent crying

Lost of appetite or eating too much that leads to sudden weight loss or gain

Change in sleeping pattern either sleeping too much or not able to sleep

Feeling unduly tired

Having trouble concentrating and making decisions

Feeling headaches and pains that don't improve even after treatment

Having suicidal thoughts and death

How to Treat Women Depression

If you think you have depression, see your doctor and discuss your symptoms, he or she will be able to direct you to the appropriate medical specialist for your case, in the case of depression, a mental health professional.

For the scientific treatment of depression, you have the options of psychotherapy, antidepressant or a combination of both. And then there are non scientific treatment options known as alternative treatments and for that you have options such as herbs, acupuncture, yoga, massage and so on. If the depression is not severe often all you need to recover are some coping skills and/or psychotherapy.

But whatever type of depression you have or how severe it is, taking good care of yourself can help your recovery. Do this by exercising regularly and eating healthy.

Taking Medicine to Treat Depression for Women

Women should be more cautious when taking antidepressants. Open up completely to your doctor in order to get the right treatment. Are you pregnant or planning to have a baby soon? Tell your doctor because all medicine you take in passes into your breast milk.

Are you on any specific drug? In most cases it's okay to take birth control pills alongside antidepressants but still confirm from your doctor. Your doctor is there to answer all your questions and provide you with the right treatment, so help him to do that and help yourself.

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