Sunday, February 26, 2012

Depression and Anxiety Alerts to Watch Out During the Recession

We all are creatures of habit and though we all experience a number of different moods through the course of the day, this can be very different from prolonged or extreme moods, sometimes referred to as "mood swings". Changes in how we feel, act and interact can sometimes be early warning signs of deeper issues. Here are some things to watch out for in yourself or loved ones. Prevention is always better than cure.


When things are going on inside our minds, we can become internally focused and this can result in a dramatic change to our personality, to those we are close to we can seem isolated and withdrawn as we literally become "lost in thought".

While this is natural to some extent if this becomes the overriding mood it could be a warning signal of a potential slide into a real depression. To avoid this, fight the apathy and seek out those people who are positive types. Moods are catching to some extent so choose your social circle wisely when you are feeling low. The recession does have an impact in us and it is a popular subject of conversation as the saying goes "misery loves company".

Now is the time to avoid this subject, choose to talk about other topics and there are a lot of people who will welcome the change of subject. What you focus on you will move towards and a change of topic and scenery will help you feel better.

Anger, the silent threat

Anger is a natural emotion but it can become very unhealthy very quickly if this is your dominating emotion. Are you irritable, do you have increasingly low tolerance levels; maybe you are snappier with your partner or the children? Shine the mirror on yourself; does even reading this generate an emotion like that?

Anger can destroy relationships and it can make us intolerant in many views, on top of that is can repress our immune system, elevate our heart rate and blood pressure and make us seriously ill as well as aggravating pre-existing conditions as diverse as asthma, eczema to heart conditions.

Blow off some steam with exercise, it will make you feel better, meditate to control the stress; breathing is a powerful calming tool. The first step is being aware and then take action to resolve and return to being you.

Depression and that sinking (drowning) feeling

The recession is for a while longer and as the subject of tea break chats it can cause us to worry about the "what ifs", doing this enough will create a mental process and we can start to feel hopeless, this is the path to depression and is one to steer well clear of!

If you worry, feel hopeless, become depressed then you create a cycle that could lead you to being seen as less productive and this state of worry over what "might" happen could lead to you creating the very thing you are worrying about!

You can avoid making a bad situation worse by not surrendering to your fears and staying proactive and keeping a positive outlook. The recession is not going to last forever and there are lots of things you "can" do to make things better.

Next steps

Financial anxiety and issues over security are all potential triggers for feeling depressed; statistics show that in an economic downturn that there is an increase in stress related illnesses and also an increase in fatalities.

Talk to someone, a counselor, a doctor, a friend and seek help. Depression is nothing to be ashamed of it is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Finally, there are also a lot of natural remedies out there that can help you such as meditation and reflexology which have a tremendous impact on the body, mind and soul.

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