Friday, March 23, 2012

Are You Sad? A Woman? Brainwave Entrainment Can Help

Women will experience sadness twice as often as men, especially when linked with depression.

And if you suffer a traumatic event, have low self-esteem, abuse drugs or alcohol, are homeless (well who wouldn't be depressed if they were homeless), just had a baby, changed jobs, graduated from University, left home, got married, got divorced...and the list goes on and on, then you are a candidate to be both depressed and sad.

Depression involves the body, your mood, and thoughts.

Depression and sadness can increase your risk for developing asthma, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and cancer.

Do You Have Signs Of Sadness?

Are you...

Unable to pull yourself together anymore.

Uninterested in things that were once important and stimulating to you.

Do you cry for no reason or do you wish you could cry.

Finding nothing gives you pleasure anymore.

Sexually dead.

Not eating anymore, even forgetting to eat or eating anything not nailed down.

Having trouble with normal can't focus.

Feeling helpless.

Not sleeping or if you inadvertently fall asleep, do you wake up with a start and can't get back to sleep.

Sleeping way too much.

Feel empty.

Anxious and fearful...especially of any changes.

Feeling negative about everything.

Angry...for no particular reason.

Feel guilty...for no particular reason.

Having trouble concentrating...even with a simple t.v. show.

Experiencing "flat effect", a loss of emotional expression.

Having difficulty making decisions.

Having headaches.

In pain all the time but the doctors can't figure out why.

Feeling helpless.

Feeling unworthy,

Suffering from digestive disorders.

You are sad and depressed and suffering from an imbalance of hormones and chemicals in your brain.

You could use pharmaceutical antidepressants, and after six weeks or so, if they prescribed the right meds for you, you may experience some relief for depression. Of course, you'll have a few side-effects like weight gain, and a little "flat effect" to contend with.

Alternative therapies for depression have been proven to be very effective for alleviating depression and sadness.

Brainwave entrainment is an alternative therapy that uses a clinically proven technology that alters brainwave frequency by stimulating different areas of the brain. Because of the frequency following response principle, the brain will follow this deliberate rhythmic stimulus and mimic it, resulting in a shift in consciousness.

With the use of a specially designed brainwave entrainment recording, chemicals that alleviate the symptoms of depression are released and you can safely, without any side-effects, approach the serious problem of sadness and depression from another angle.

Brainwave entrainment can even be used as a complimentary therapy along with traditional therapies, and can enhance depression and sadness treatment.

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