Monday, January 16, 2012

How To Stop Depression From Stopping Your Life

One of the worst conditions a person can suffer is depression. It can lead to many different emotional responses, particularly lack of hope and helplessness. These feelings can bring your life to a standstill. Here are some methods you can use to continue doing the things you enjoy.

1. Make sure you do something productive every day. Sit down the previous evening and make a to-do list, making a note of everything you'd like to do the next day. It may be shopping, or taking the dog for a walk, but make sure you do something. If you wish to plan more activities in your day, then that's great, but don't be too disheartened if you don't achieve them all. So long as you're doing something, then you're on the way to winning your battle with depression, and proving to yourself that you have control of your life.

2. You may find it difficult to even contemplate doing any of the things you've been used to doing when you're experiencing a bout of depression. It's difficult, but try to fight the desire to do nothing. Dig deep inside yourself, and you will find the courage to do some of your usual activities. This has to be positive for you, and you need to see it as being such.

3. It's really important that you have support from family and friends. It's very easy to want to shut yourself away and not talk to anybody, but doing this will have an even more negative impact. Phone a friend and go round to their house for a coffee - you'll get yourself out of your house, and you'll have the company of somebody else as well. Your friends and family need to know how you're feeling if they are to be able to help you, so make sure you tell them.

4. Perhaps this would be a good time to consider taking up a new activity. How about learning how to snowboard, or take up oil painting? Do something you've never considered before - it really could give you a much needed boost.

Remember that depression does not make you who you are, and you have control of your life. Don't let it stop you from doing the things you enjoy doing. With help from trained professionals, your friends and family, you will be able to continue enjoying your life, doing the things you've always done.

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