Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Fifth Agreement

The Fifth Agreement - Live Life Happy

What if today was the last day of life on earth? What if you knew that by nightfall there would be no more existence? So many people fear death, but do not fear "not living". I find it increasingly amusing how many people around me live in anger because they are depressed and afraid of lack, scarcity or poverty. The agreements that we make prior to our birth affect our life today and in the future.

For example, we may have a belief that says we are stupid or ugly because someone told us that in our life. Does that mean it is true? It only means that someone has an opinion about what the truth is. Whether or not we agree, is our choice. We should, however, learn to make the fifth agreement and that agreement is between us and our inner soul. This agreement is to Live and to Live Happy each and every fleeting moment we have remaining, striving to help others feel happy as well.

What chokes happiness and kills bliss?

We have a need as humans to want stuff in our life. We create a comfort zone that is so uncomfortable we see life as bad from every angle. The media will portray every small episode of violence as the end of humanity as we know it and people gather in tribes to develop gruesome conspiracy theories. We expose ourselves and our children to violence every day via movies and our own vocabulary. The constant exposure to violence, killing, stealing and failing to live, makes us as humans forget what it feels like to be happy.

How can we shift to a better mood in the face of anger & rage?

It is very difficult to maintain composure in the face of someone who is spewing loud, violent and angry words at us but we can do this. We want to live more than we want the other person to make us feel worse. We want to be happy more than we want to feel afraid, so we put into place, coping mechanisms before anything like this happens. A coping mechanism is something that protects us, shelters us and makes us feel love during a time of trauma. For example, you may have a very happy memory of something in your life like the birth of your baby. Make a promise that each morning when you wake up, you will say, "I remember the day my baby was born and this will be the visualization I use in the face of trauma".

Prayer is a key as well. Repeating softly the words "God, God, God" help you to find a slower heartbeat and a better outlook on the situation.

Living is Being Obedient to God

When we stop to think about our lives from an historic perspective we see that God created us in his image. He wants us to live our lives so that we help others feel happy and joyful in their life. When we decide and make the choice that we are going to be, feel, act and behave happy, no matter what the current situation, we are showing that we are grateful to be here. Gratitude is the key to unlocking a life full of joy. Stop for a moment and look around you. What do you see? Take a moment and be grateful for everything that is in your life, for every person and for every event that you encounter.

The Fifth Agreement is the Agreement to LIVE!

I agree on this day, that I will live my life as if it were my last day on earth. I promise that I will show compassion to everyone who I encounter today and I am grateful for the contrast that I experience on planet earth. I want to live my life to the fullest and to be of service to others. I promise myself this day, that I will be better today than I was yesterday.

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