Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Overcome Depression With Love

Overcoming depression can be overcome by following the following guidelines. Firstly, you must get advice from the right people. There is so much power in words and when people give bad advice, it can have a detrimental effect on a person's personality. So definitely be careful with the advice you buy. As I have mentioned previously, just look for people who are doing well in their lives. These people obviously are engaged in right thinking and are making a difference. Get around these people, listen to their words attentively and even invite one of them to lunch now and then just to get around them. It definitely will make a difference. Be straight with them, tell them you admire them and ask them what their motivation is for what they do. You will win a friend straight away and also they will respond to you with total positivity. Take notes on what they say and implement it into your own life.

Secondly there is a great expression which I wholeheartedly agree with "They say positivity doesn't last, well neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily". Therefore if you make it a habit to listen to positive uplifting empowering material daily and also implement it into your life, it has to make a difference. When a person is suffering from depression or overcoming depression, yes the natural state for the mind may be negativity. This is why you must combat this daily. You must create new beliefs and the only way one can do this is by empowering yourself daily. "Repetition is the mother of all skill". Just by listening to my material or somebody's material a few times wont eliminate your negative beliefs. It must be done daily and as often as you can. You literally must brain wash yourself through uplifting videos, articles, books, etc..

Your mind is like a garden. If you don't nourish it daily with the right information, negativity will take over and the weeds will grow. Yes, we live in a world where negativity and fear are the norm. Therefore to change the way you mind thinks, think as often as you can about gratitude and love.

Love is when there is no divide. When you know that we are all equal regardless of creed, religion, education, language etc. Love is when all are treated equally. Love is when you never ever judge another person. If one can come from this state of gratitude and love when interacting with people, it will impossible to be depressed as people will just want to be around you. Yes, at all levels regardless of who we are, we are all one, and people are just looking for connectedness. If one connects with another at this level, that is when bridges are built and that is when you really see people for who they are..

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How To Fight Depression By Choosing New Friends

I totally agree that having ones core values written down, even framed and stuck in ones room is beneficial to "staying on course" with who one is. Just ask yourself repeatedly what you believe in and the answers will come. If you are looking for self-awareness and self-appreciation you must ask yourself who you are and what do you stand for. "Ask and he shall find". "Knock and the door shall be opened unto you". If you ask yourself enough times (especially before going to sleep as this is when your subconscious is really working) you will get you answer - I promise you.. but you must ask with faith

Regarding the company you keep, of course this is really important. If you find that a person is ridiculing you - you must stand up for your self. Why?. Because when a person is suffering from low self-esteem or in the process of overcoming depression, suggestion can be very powerful. What this means is that when a person is not so sure of himself, when another "friend" says something to this person, the implication can stick. The only reason the implication or comment sticks is because the person is suffering from low self-esteem. All this however can be solved by adopting a few new beliefs..

For example a great belief to have is "Never let a person's opinion of you become your reality." People say negative things to other people for a variety of reasons such as jealousy, they themselves suffer from low self-esteem and hide it through aggressiveness, etc.. A lot of people who seem assertive and loud are actually very weak people at their core.

For example if a person shouts down at me or tells me something negative, just to make sure that this will not implanted on my mind, I speak up and deny it, not shouting back but just in an assertive tone. There is power in your words and the more times you talk yourself up, the more self-confidence you will gain..

The acid test in terms of who you hang around with is this. If I were to meet your 5 best friends, you would be the average of them in everything. From finances to positivity to happiness, etc. You are what you hang around and with friends you must be ruthless with whom you spend your time..

If a person speaks negatively to you, you must walk away. You become what you think about. If you are talking negatively all the time, you will be thinking negatively which will lead to a negative life..

If you want a happy life, get around positive people who want to do something with their lives. Get around people who always focus on solutions, not problems.. If you can do this, your life will change, guaranteed..

How To Fight Depression By Right Thinking

It has been scientifically proven that a person will become what they think about. This is fact. A person's life is merely a reflection of the thoughts they have thought. Thoughts definitely become things.Unfortunately people who are either fighting depression or overcoming depression think in a negative way and hence get negative results.

Therefore the purpose of this article is to raise some awareness in your life.A good place to start is to ask yourself - who is in your 5?, who do you hang around?, who do you spend most of your time with?. What are these people feeding into your mind? The answers to these questions will determine what thoughts are thinking.

What type of TV are you watching. There are so many programs out there that program people so negatively, it's like living with murderers and violent people. Cut out this rubbish and start empowering yourself with positivity. Just raise you awareness. hat predominantly is going into your head.. Negativity in - negativity out which includes unhappy lives that may included depression. Empowerment in - empowerment out which includes a positive happy life with meaningful uplifting relationships.

Become aware that in the world as we know it, there is far more negativity than positivity. Therefore if you don't put positivity in - the negativity will just take over, period. So seek out positive people that could become mentors and the way to seek these people out is to monitor what they do - not what they say. Talk is cheap so look for people who are doing good things with their lives and who are making a difference, essentially people who are showing leadership.

Ultimately the more time you hang around people like this, the more positive you will become. Look for people who move with purpose and that would also be a good tip for you, start moving with purpose. When you feel better, you do better so start moving with speed.

Finally the reason why I wrote earlier about TV and negative people was for two reasons. One is that you are what you think and by thinking negatively, you will become negative. The other reason is when a person is suffering from depression, their self confidence is low and it may be harder to ignore a personal negative comment from someone.. Therefore as you are overcoming depression, don't even put yourself in the situation. Get around positive people who are focused on making a difference and your life will change, guaranteed.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Battling Depression Of Different Kinds

Depression is usually the lowest point of a person's life. During that period, it is next to impossible for the person to adequately perform the daily tasks and chores. One tends to feel lethargic and lazy with the feelings of worthlessness, helplessness and vulnerability clouding them. However, it is not necessary that everyone suffers the same kind of depression. Instead, it comes in all shapes and sizes. The following are the different kinds of despair that have been observed in mankind.

Major depression: This depression is the most easily identifiable one. While suffering from it, one may lose the ability to enjoy life and experience pleasure. When left unattended, it may plague a person for up to six months. Its symptoms may fluctuate from mild to moderate and severe. In addition to that, it has a recurring property. That is, if a person has gone through it before then his chances of falling prey to it again are pretty high.

Dysthymia: A lower or mild version of depression, it is the most widespread. Mostly during this kind of depression, you may only feel bouts of low mood with good one in between. Its symptoms are not as strong as the ones of Major depression; however, they last longer than that. The time period could stretch up to two years. Long period can take a heavy toll on your behavior and one is likely to think that "that is the way I am". It makes it really difficult for its patients to remember good or happy times they had and they perceive life as a long sad journey.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): As per its name, this type of depression is related to seasons. Some people get depressed when they see a rather dark or cloudy season. It usually affects the younger people and mainly from North. That is because the area is more prone to stormy and rainy weather which sometimes, triggers Seasonal Affective Disorder in the ones living there. Battling depression of this is possible by usage of artificial lights which is known as Light therapy.

Bipolar Disorder: Also known as Maniac depression, this is a two-faced depression. In this, a person experiences the extreme kinds of moods. There is an alternative cycle of maniac episodes which includes hyperactivity, rapid speech, and impulsive behavior with little or no sleep. On the other hand, the mood may rapidly switch over to the depressed mode. This depression has the same symptoms as Major depression. The treatment for this disorder is very different. Also, usage of anti-depressants drugs can make it even worse.

One may be suffering from any one type or combination of the low feelings mentioned above. For battling depression, a complete set of information about it is essential for proper and quick treatment.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How To Overcome Depression By Taking An Interest In People

My inspiration upbeat article today is one of companionship. A lot of people who are in the process of overcoming depression or in the process of exiting permanent negative states, what you see is that they are alone a lot. Therefore my message today is how to guide you on how to interact with other people and gain friends quickly. The best way to gain friends really quickly is to take a genuine interest in other people. Therefore, if you really want to be liked, if you want to have a sphere of influence, if you want to have a lot of friends, become genuinely interested in the other person.

Become interested in their interests, in their plight. By doing this, you are immediately putting yourself in a position of strength. Dependent of if you want to tell other people how you feel, you are going to need to gauge it personally as to when to tell your newly acquainted friend how you feel.However if you are not going to a professional person but you are meeting people spontaneously and being continually introduced to new people, i do recommend you start to take a genuine interest in them.. Sometimes when you take the emphasis off yourself and put it onto someone else, great things will come to you tenfold.

When you do this, people will be naturally attracted to you and the last thing they will think of you will be that you are suffering from or in the process of overcoming depression. Most people speak from a place of self interest, if you can be the person who instead of being swamped with self interest but instead you come from a place of integrity and curiosity about the other person, you are going to gain friends and ultimately have influence. And that is the key word - influence. When one person can influence another, depression cannot exist because you are being asked for guidance and help. Please re-read what I have written here as it's imperative.

Lastly the more friends you have that are positive and upbeat and the more you hang around them, you will absolutely come out of this, guaranteed. Like attracts like, you are a wonderful person. You have to ability to make friends and ultimately influence them by becoming interested in them. Have courage and go meet people. Go where people meet for social events and sympathize with them. All people want and are crying out for is for people who will listen to them..

Making Decisions, Goal Setting and Writing As Catharsis

1. Making Decisions

The first thing you have to do to conquer your bipolar is to be prepared to take massive action in your life. If you do not, then you will not progress and be a victim of the law of diminishing intent. If you decide to act instead of hesitating then you will be amazed at the opportunities for turning your life around that are out there.

2. Goal setting

Writing down specific goals is an essential part of getting better. You have to write your goals down every day in a certain, very specific, way. Feel free to change your goals at any time if you want. They are flexible. The more goals you write each day the more you will accomplish.

Write your goals in the first person and in the present tense. They can be as ambitious as you want, although you have to believe that they are possible. Aim to write at least 10-15 goals half an hour before you sleep. Your subconscious mind will process them and you will be ready for action when you wake up. Feel free to add more goals in the morning and throughout the day. Carrying your goals with you on your mobile phone in the 'notes' section makes keeping them with you at all times easy.

Most people will never write their goals down. If you can write yours down you will stay focused. Make sure that your goals are believable as well. If it helps you can add a date and even a year to your goals. The more goals that you write down every day, the more you will accomplish. Do not neglect any achievement, no matter how small - each one is a cause for celebration.

3. Writing as catharsis

Writing can be a cathartic process. Writing one's autobiography is a deeply personal process. When I wrote A Can of Madness I poured my heart out on the page. It was extremely intense but, overall, an extremely rewarding experience. Writing saved my life and enabled me to put my manic depression behind me once and for all. I urge you to trust the writing process and just let the things in your head just pour out onto the page like I did.

You may already harbor dreams of being a writer, or you may have never tried, or even considered, writing before. Whatever your previous writing experience, you will be amazed at the results.

Write your title first and then get everything you can down in the first person, writing positive words. If it helps, start with some positive writing prompts, such as "I am celebrating my bipolar because..." Be sure to have a happy middle and end as well. Aim to write 2000 words a day (like Stephen King does) and do not stop until you have reached that target."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Antidepressant Weight Gain: Real But Not Inevitable

It has long been argued that prescription drugs do have an effect on the weight of the patient. There are some drugs that affect your weight by making you crave certain foods, while others do so by interfering with your body's metabolism. Certain drugs will cause weight increase in one individual and cause weight reduction in another. The relationship between drugs and the body's weight is a complicated one. This is the reason why there is a great debate on Paxil weight gain.

Medications prescribed for disorders of the Central Nervous System, are the ones commonly associated with gaining weight. These are mainly Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, (MAOIs) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, (SSRIs), Mood Stabilizers such as Lithium and Valproic acid, amongst others. Antipsychotics and Anticonvulsants have also been linked to weight gain. Paxil is an SSRI antidepressant and is used for treating depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and premenstrual dysphonic disorder. This class of drug is the most common on the market today, since it has been found to have the least side effects, and hardly leads to dependence. Paxil weight gain, has been found to be the main side effect of using the drug, and it has led to certain concerns, that have caused doctors to change prescriptions for their patients. Sudden changes in weight are not good for your long-term health.

This increase in weight is said to be caused by the way the drug interferes with your metabolism. This is because it slows the production of the hormone, leptin, which is important in maintaining a healthy metabolic rate. This is a major problem for those who have to be on the drug for the rest of their lives. One way to combat this is to take Omega 3 supplements. These contain fatty acids, which help increase the production of leptin, thus keeping it at the proper levels, and your metabolism will not be affected.

Another way to fight this increase in weight, is to exercise regularly. This will require plenty of discipline on your part. Due to the reduced metabolic rate, you may experience lethargic bouts. These may dissuade you from going out for exercise. All you need to remember is that exercise helps alleviate depression. This is one way in which you can get a normal mental state, and finally get off the drug, as well as maintain a healthy body weight. You do not have to perform intensive exercises; a good, brisk walk will help you burn off calories, allows you to breathe in the fresh air, and help you keep your weight under control.

This is the reason why you experience Paxil weight gain, but you can also keep the weight down with proper supplementation, feeding habits, and exercise.

Botox Treatments Improve Mood And Symptoms of Clinical Depression!

Did you know that your facial expressions alone can alter things like your heart rate, or even your skin temperature? There is a growing large body of psychological research supporting the "Facial Feedback Theory" - the hypothesis that facial expressions can affect and influence brain function every bit as much as does the brain in the way it directs and controls facial movements. The seemingly simple act of smiling apparently induces the releasing of certain chemicals in the brain that makes people feel better. And when people frown, increased levels of the chemicals leading to a depressed mood are circulating around. So did you frown because you were sad, or were you feeling sad because you frowned?

In the 1870's it was Charles Darwin himself who proposed that it was possible that "you feel the way you look" just as much as "you look the way you feel" because of a feedback loop that supplies facial expression information back to the brain to tell it how it should be feeling. The brain then responds with the appropriate neurochemical releases - generating happy or sad feelings - as the face has suggested. A 1989 study had people watch a cartoon, then rate how funny they thought it was. Some of the study participants were asked to smile while watching whether the cartoon struck them funny or not. Those asked to smile consistently rated the cartoon funnier than those who were not asked to smile. Were the "smilers" more likely to be amused because they were in a happier state of mind? A 1991 study concluded that frown muscle activity was a reliable predictor of depression as well as depression therapy outcome. So even if you can't muster up a fake smile, would those simply frowning less be less unhappy? What would happen if you could get someone to frown less?

Researchers realized that there was a tool that they could utilize to test that interesting question. The gold standard for definitively limiting the ability to frown and make other types of "negative" facial expressions- Botox®! Botox® - the great eliminator of the frowning, tired and stressed-out look for millions of people every year - long known to simultaneously boost the spirit and mood as well.

A 2006 study took patients in treatment for clinical depression and gave them all some Botox®. Almost all of the patients showed clear signs of improvement in their depression, independent of other factors, within the weeks following their Botox® session! Their symptom improvements paralleled the improvements in their appearance. Amazing! Still not convinced?

In March, 2012, at the 20th European Congress of Psychiatry, a similar study was presented which further supports the "Facial Feedback Theory" that facial musculature and expressions can both reflect and influence mood. Patients suffering from clinical depression and undergoing treatment were also treated with a single session of Botox®. An incredible 80% of the patients showed strong and sustained improvements in their depression, by both depression level testing scores and psychiatric interview scores. This included those patients who had responded poorly to their prior conventional treatments! 30% of the studied patients showed a full remission of all depression symptoms! The onset of alleviation of symptoms and the duration correlated with the onset (1 - 2 weeks) and duration (3 - 6 months) of the effects of Botox® in minimizing the frowning and wrinkling we associate with expressions of sadness, fear, anger, or stress. Positive effects on mood elevation were seen in nearly all the Botox® treated patients, including those with even modest softening of frown lines and wrinkles.

There is also the social feedback loop component to the "Facial Feedback Theory". The "misery loves company" versus the "laugh and the whole world laughs with you" sort of thing. If you look happier, you "attract" happier people around you, which then makes you feel happier. The opposite certainly happens if you look sad or mad. And if you have too dark and too gloomy a look, it can really get bad as others tend to withdraw from you. You will likely end up alone and isolated, thereafter feeling even more dejected and sad. But clinical depression is an entirely different situation, where the chemical balances in the brain are off, and are biased in the "unhappy" direction. It seems incredible that a "forced change" in facial expression could affect those balances so significantly by a direct and somewhat mysterious connection between the face and the brain.

So, it is clearly not as simple as the concept that anything that makes us look better, such as any type of cosmetic surgery or procedure, will also be likely to make us feel better and happier. Apparently, we all have within us the ability to trick our very own brains into a better mood with our face, even if our face is "lying" to it. Then when our brain feels happier, we really are happier, and now the "lie" has becomes the truth. Wow! The brain has the face under constant surveillance, so it can figure out how it is supposed to feel. That means you can tell yourself how to feel. "Put on a happy face" has a whole new meaning, doesn't it? And if you just don't have it in you to smile more, at least try not frowning quite so much. A little Botox® sounds like a pretty good idea, too!

Treating Depression The Holistic Way With Acupuncture

Depression affects our normal functioning and has symptoms, both psychological and physical. Medicines and methods that are available today, generally treats depression, with the use of anti-depressant drugs and phycotherapy. These treatments, do not address the specific symptoms to find a solution. This is where, the approach by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) differs. They do not diagnose depression as a specific illness but treats the specific symptoms of an individual in a variety of ways. These forms of treatment are by way of massage, Chinese herbs and acupuncture.

Acupuncture for depression, has been found to have a comprehensive and positive effect on patients. This was especially true when acupuncture was used along with herbal treatments and psychotherapy. Acupuncture strives to address the body as a whole. That is, the mind, spirit and emotions. he process is accompanied by life-style counselling, energy-cultivation exercises, diet and herbology. The objective being, to create harmony within ourselves and with the outside world. TMC recognizes that intellect and feeling, exist in the cells of our body. Chinese medicine appreciates that, a person is depressed because of scarce or stagnant energy. Or an imbalance in the two polar opposites i. e. the ying and yang. This imbalance can take many different forms. The acupuncturist determines them, by evaluating the tongue, pulse, palpitation, posture, and skin tone, brightness of the eyes, voice, smell and behaviour of the person.

The TCM diagnosis will define and outline harmony or disharmony. The state of the spirit, essence, blood, energy, fluids, organs and channels are assessed. In our body, there are fourteen main channels, called rivers of energy. These channels run through our body and are connected with each other. On the surface of our body, there are more than 365 acupoints which are called wells or vortexes. From these acupoints, it is possible to tap into the energy rivers that flow beneath. Each acupoint, has several fuctions. When a needle is placed in the acupoint, it facilitates the flow of life force. Energy is brought back in areas where they are lacking and in zones of stagnation, the flow of energy is released.

The different acupoints on the body are the gateway to resolving the problems that besiege a person. Lung points are used to resolve grief. Where there is an absence of joy, heart points are utilised. Anger or depression is resolved by using liver points. Kidney points are used to treat shock or fear. To settle the spirit and move energy, the needles are placed on the head, stomach, the lower arms and lower legs.

Acupuncture for depression is a pleasant, restful and totally energizing experience. The acupuncture needles are hair thin and sterile. These needles are never used twice. The whole experience of inserting the needles is generally painless. A pulling sensation or soreness means that your qi or vital energy has connected with the needle. The person is made comfortable and suitably draped. The whole experience is one of comfort and peace as your body gets back into equilibrium.

Acupuncture, focuses on treating the basic root cause of imbalance in a person's body. These causes may vary from person to person. But as acupuncture attends to a specific problem, the cause of depression can be addressed and resolved.

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Natural Approach to Solving Depression

Depression is a condition that currently affects many Americans and if you are one of them you know how hard it can be just to get through the day sometimes. There are many great pharmacological solutions on the market, but they come with costly side effects that can leave you feeling worse. There are also many natural approaches to controlling depression that have good results. It is amazing how solutions as simple as exercise, nutrition, and taking time for yourself can help with the oppressive symptoms of depression.

Exercise Your Way to Happier Feelings

Exercise actually releases chemicals in the brain that can change your mood. These chemicals are called endorphins and they have the ability to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety. They actually act in the same way that analgesic do in the brain.

You do not need to do strenuous exercise to reap the benefits of endorphins. In fact, a brisk walk, swim or a bike ride will do just as much good. You simply have to find a physical activity you enjoy and get moving.

Another great thing about endorphins is they are non-habit forming so you can find relief for depression without fear of dependence.

Nutrition that Will Improve Mood

Depression can make it hard to eat the right amount and kinds of food. Many people react to depression by eating either too much food or too little. However, your diet does matter when it comes to controlling the symptoms of depression. Simply put, food is fuel for the body and if it does not get the right fuel, then it will not work in an efficient manner.

Balance is the key when it comes to diet. You need to eat a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat. One fat that it is good to get more of is omega-3 fatty acids. A lack of omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to cause depression.

Another vitamin which you may not get enough of, but may help keep depression down is B-12. It may not decrease depression, but if you are low in B-12, then it could make the problem worse.

Meditate Your Way to a Better Perspective

When you are depressed either you have trouble calming your thoughts and you are anxious, or it seems as though your thoughts are running in slow motion. Meditation is a way to bring these thought patterns back to the center. It will allow you to work through thoughts and emotions causing feelings of depression. There are some thoughts and feelings you will be able to tackle on your own, and there are others for which it is best to see a professional therapist to help you. In either case you will be one step closer to understanding the root of the problem with meditation.

Make Sure you are Getting Enough Time to do What You Love

It may sound simple, but find something you love to do and set aside a healthy amount of time to engage in that activity. First, it is important to take time for yourself. Secondly, a hobby you enjoy can have a similar affect to endorphins helping improve your mood. This is probably one of the most natural ways you can decrease depression.

Depression: Resident, Silent Menace of Our Times

Depression comes when something is happening in your life which you don't want to happen or when something is not happening in your life which you do want to happen. Either way, things aren't going as you want them to and, because of this, your reaction is depression. The internalised anger caused by the frustration over not achieving goals that were set too high is something of yours, which only you can deal with. Fertile ground for this is a field of ambitions and desires which have not been met.

Now you can see how much Depression is an illness of our times. We have come to expect almost anything we want to come to us just when we want it. We don't even need to go to the shops, we can order early in the day over the internet and what we want will be here tomorrow, or even today in some cases. Credit is available even if we don't have money. We now don't even wait for things to wear out or break; if a new one is available and especially if someone we know has the new one, we have to have it. Things come so easily that we attach no value to them and throw them away as worthless when they stop amusing us.

So why is this? Sure, there is an economic depression at the moment but we have an outlook which is formed by the optimism and class shifting of our recent history. Why do we want so much? Why do we want things we can't have? Because we have been told that we can have them. This has led us to expect and even demand whatever we want. Think of children who get several hundred pounds spent on them at Christmas and on their birthdays. Now imagine them as young adults, finding out the real value of money as they start out in married life.

If the harshness of reality is something they can't handle, they will not move from being children within their family. This cannot work because they are no longer in their family, they are now married, in their own house with their spouse. They cannot behave as they did when they were at home. If they do, the marriage won't work and they won't understand. Life today for people today is very likely to bring Depression.

Women feel their lives are lost and feel desperate. They go to their doctor and are given mind turning drugs that do nothing but make them think they don't feel bad. After ten, fifteen or twenty years, they realise they still have depression and have lost years of their lives lived as a zombie who wasn't them. This makes them more depressed.

Men have a hard time; they think they are supposed to be strong. They rarely talk about this sort of thing and they go further and further into the badlands. They become insecure at work and paranoidal. This spills over into home life. They do things and buy things which seem stupid to anybody looking in from the outside - so they become secretive, which escalates their paranoia. This provides more armour plating against the idea of treatment.

The answer is not clever drugs which don't and can't change the cause of Depression. The answer is to find where the thought patterns came from which are responsible for the incompatibility with life which gives Depression. These thought patterns were embedded in the younger years of life but still programme the adult of today. However, if the adult of today can look back and see the invalidity of certain parts of their personality, they can recalibrate them and align with life today. This will lead to happiness, enjoyment and pleasure being obtained from living a life that now works.

This all sounds good but how do we do it? There are one or two illegal ways but one very good way which suits most people is Hypnotherapy. It is just the tool to unlock the past, reveal its secrets and hold them up in the daylight and fresh air. Here thay can be seen for what they are and changed where necessary. Depression can then be a thing of the past.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Depression - The Superior Psychotherapy of The Unconscious Mind

Dreams are not produced by chance; they follow a logical sequence. The translation of their meaning according to the scientific method proves to the world that there are wise messages in all dream images.

The unconscious mind that produces our dreams has a divine origin. This truth was discovered by Carl Jung, but he didn't have a religious attitude. I continued his research by having a religious attitude when I perceived the sanctity of the unconscious mind.

The depression treatment of the unconscious mind eliminates your sadness by giving you wisdom and real solutions.

Since our dreams are produced by God and since God is wise and saintly (as described by the religions of the world) this means that there is a deeper meaning for the human life on Earth. Now that I simplified and clarified Carl Jung's complicated and obscure method of dream interpretation everyone can learn the dream language and have a direct communication with God.

This is a spectacular alternative we didn't expect to have. The meaning of dreams was distorted by so many theories and suppositions that nobody believes that we can clearly understand our dreams, or that there are logical messages in their disorganized images.

Carl Jung discovered that the dream images are organized based on a different reasoning system. I discovered that we can simply replace images with words once we understand the dream logic, and once we learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols. This simplification opens a new horizon for humanity.

Now you can understand God's messages in your dreams and find a special depression treatment that works like mind empowerment and spiritual purification at the same time. The divine unconscious mind analyzes your life from the beginning of your existence and gives you numerous explanations.

You stop feeling sorry for yourself and hating others. You understand the human nature and you learn how to automatically forgive all human beings.

The psychological issues that are torturing you now will stop blocking your mind because you'll learn how to easily find solutions for all problems. Dream therapy helps you use all of your brain power.

At the same time, your spirit is purified. You stop being selfish or desiring to be selfish because you understand that selfishness is a primitive attitude. You understand how mediocre the average psychological system of an individual is because of the influence of his/her ego. This means that you really become a superior person. The knowledge you acquire thanks to the unconscious guidance is not theoretical.

The unconscious wisdom transforms you into a wise human being, eliminating your past traumas, your erroneous impressions, absurd reactions, fears, and all the issues that are preventing you from finding peace and happiness.

Your depression disappears thanks to all the answers that give you consolation. You discover numerous solutions for your problems. Knowledge is salvation.

Your mind becomes clear. You have the chance to think without being bothered by your absurd anti-conscience, which is your primitive conscience. This wild conscience is still active inside you. The unconscious guidance helps you stop being a victim of its poisonous influence.

The lessons you'll have in dreams will surpass the comprehension of the psychological issues that initially made you care about finding a treatment. Dream therapy shows you another dimension of your reality, transforming your wild nature into peaceful and wise nature. The development of your intelligence and sensitivity puts a definitive end to your psychological problems.

Depression and Intelligence

Sometimes managing depression can be a difficult task, and it's easy for someone battling depression to let their fears get the best of them. This is an illness that can cause someone to feel very alone, and beating it is not nearly as simple as some people may think. For years there have been a lot of speculation about the correlation depression has to intelligence. There are several books on depression and extensive research studies performed on this topic. In this article I will discuss more in-depth information I have found related to this study.

Based on the information I have gathered it is more a correlation between depression and creativity than it is between intelligence and depression. Creative people have a heightened emotional connection to the people and things that surround them, some of the greatest works were created in the midst of deep emotional turmoil. Research has proven that creative people are at a higher risk for depression because of their elevated emotional abilities, there are books on depression that explain this more elaborately.

Some researchers believe that depression and emotional maturity are linked. As individuals who have the ability to confront emotional issues with knowledge and maturity are less likely to become depressed. For a long time depression was known as melancholia, and it is the most well-known psychiatric disorder that goes back to the beginning of psychiatry. Learning how to battle depression will be essential to understanding it including medication, exercise, and counseling if necessary. There are books on depression that can aid you throughout this process, you just have to keep an open mind.

Often times statistical data is used to carry out this research which makes the findings more reliable, the larger the sample the more accurate the results will be. Intelligent individuals have a more complex mind so their focuses are more intense, and more inclined to become overwhelmed. There are many treatment options for depression and in most cases these treatments require a minimum of six months. Depending on the severity of your condition medication may or may not be needed, but most of the time these medications are not addictive.

In my opinion there is definitely a link between depression and intelligence, however being intelligent doesn't guarantee that you will suffer from depression. I am extremely creative and with this gift there comes great blessings, but it definitely comes at cost. It is important to stay grounded in the things that matter most to you, it will make all the difference. The more you understand this illness, the greater the chance you have at fighting it. One of the best books on depression I have ever read was an E-Book, and I continue to use it as a reference.

I Have Been Depressed for As Long As I Can Remember

How do you treat a client who tells you this? Long-term depression leads an individual to accept depression as a normal state of mind, especially if it begins in childhood. The therapist must show the client how to pursue a different path. As an initial step, the therapist may ask the client to respond to three different models of depression.

Model 1: Anger directed against oneself

As children we may feel unable to express anger toward a much more powerful figure, such as a parent. So instead we may redirect that anger against ourselves, in effect battering ourselves into a depressed state.

Model 2: Hopelessness

In a celebrated experiment, Martin Seligman placed a dog in a cage with a barrier separating its two halves. A dog experiencing a mild electric shock would learn to jump over the barrier to safety on the other side. In the second phase of the experiment, electric shocks were given on both sides of the barrier. The dog learned the pointlessness of jumping and just remained unhappily on one side of the cage, a state referred to as "learned helplessness." The third phase of the experiment replicated the first phase. The cog could jump over the barrier to safety on the other side, but the dog, once having learned helplessness during the second phase, refuses to recognize the changed circumstances and remains motionless in one corner.

Model 3: Grieving

One normally grieves the death of a loved one but one can also grieve other forms of loss. The loss of employment may feel like the death of one's identity. Rejection may seem like the death of one's social self. One may mourn the loss of self, the loss of what might have been, the loss of dreams. Prolonged grief can lead to depression.

Sometimes clients will identify one of these models as the best description of their depression. Often they will identify several models contributing to their depression in varying proportions and the therapy varies accordingly. In the first model, we find the source of the anger and help clients deal with it appropriately. In the second model, we urge clients to try jumping over that barrier-the circumstances may have changed. In the third model, we help clients through the mourning and deal with the trauma of loss.

The first step in dealing with depression of any kind is to get the client moving. If the client has been able to come to the therapist's office that is already better than depressed clients unable to get out of bed. Typically a depressed person has been fairly inactive, so I ask such clients whether they are willing to try walking (or swimming) for twenty or thirty minutes three times a week. I promise that at the end of two or three weeks we will evaluate whether the exercise has brought any benefit. I urge clients to reward themselves for any steps they have been able to take in a positive direction, and to avoid beating themselves up if they haven't carried out the program perfectly.

Next we address the remainder of "the basics": getting enough sleep; eating healthily; making contact with other people. As before, I present this as an experiment: if you don't eat breakfast, figure out what you might find palatable and then, after two or three weeks, decide if this has been beneficial. (Perhaps a green smoothie?)

Next we have the client assemble a first-aid kit containing a dozen items capable of arresting the descent into a depressed state or of lifting one from depression. Having struggled with depression in my own life, I share items from my own persona list, such as going for a run, going to a movie, eating chocolate or ice cream (or chocolate ice cream!), listening to a favorite piece of music, talking with a friend, etc.

Usually people suffering from depression can recognize when they are beginning to slide down that slope leading to the depressed state. I encourage such clients to take measures to "self-arrest," much the way a mountaineer might use an ice axe to stop sliding down a glacier. Items from the "first-aid kit," breathing exercises, or the EMDR "Safe Place," if engaged soon enough, may help to halt the descent into depression and restore a sense of balance.

In cases of severe depression, medication prescribed by a physician may be required before a client can even participate in these exercises.

Once these preliminary steps have been undertaken, we can proceed to identify the underlying causes of a client's depression, often traumatic experiences that can be addressed using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Depression need not be regarded as a life sentence. The plasticity of the brain permits rewiring the pathways to depression, enabling clients to follow a path toward hope and happiness.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Signs of Postnatal Depression

They key to finding out when a woman has postnatal depression is, of course, to understand and to recognize the signs of postnatal depression, also known as postpartum depression and when they can occur.

What is postnatal depression, though?

Postnatal depression is a type of clinical depression that can afflict women, after they give birth to their children.

Postpartum depression should be considered as a serious medical illness. It occurs because of the changing hormone levels in a woman after giving birth. The lifestyle changes inevitable after childbirth also contribute significantly.

In most cases, this type of depression can happen within the first few months after a woman has given birth. Women who have undergone either a stillbirth or a miscarriage can also suffer postpartum depression.

Women who are affected with this type of depression can experience a difficult time in their efforts at bonding and caring for their new infant.

In some cases postnatal depression can even worsen to the point that it becomes something known in clinical circles as postnatal psychosis. This is a rare and more extreme type of depression, which could result in the afflicted women potentially hurting herself or her infant.

The symptoms of postpartum depression can actually overlap with something referred to as the Baby Blues, which is a recognised type of depression experienced by women in first days and sometimes weeks after giving birth. The Baby Blues can become postnatal depression when a person suffers the symptoms for an extended amount of time.

Here are the Baby Blues symptoms:

• Mood swings

• Either mild or moderate types of anxiety

• It is usual for sadness to be present

• Unusual irritability

• Lack of ability in either focusing or concentrating on things

• Sleep predicaments like excessive sleep or difficulty in falling asleep

• Crying

• Lack of interest in the baby

Some of the usual postnatal depression symptoms are:

• A loss of appetite

• difficulty in falling asleep

• Irritability

• Loss of sexual and general interest

• Extreme mood swings

• Withdrawal from people they are normally close to

• Inability to bond with new infant

• Thoughts of self-harm or even harming the new infant

There are a whole host of symptoms that a woman experiencing postnatal depression may display. Therefore, there is again the need to be really familiar with these symptoms. Woman and men in Ireland should be aware that postnatal depression is real, and they should be on the lookout for the very real possibility of its onset after childbirth occurs.

Suicide Prevention Ireland provides resources for men and women who are at risk of suicide. Find a range of articles including women and depression, male depression, as well as common stresses, illnesses, and issues, and know that help is at hand.

Depression and Anxiety I: Overcoming Depression


Feeling down is something we all go through at times in our lives. However, if sadness takes us over and will not go away, it may be depression. Depression makes it difficult to function, to carry on normal activities and it takes away the joy of living. You lose interest in the things you once enjoyed, you have difficulty concentrating, you have loss of energy, and you have feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Depression is different from normal sadness in that it takes over every day life, disturbing your work, sleep, appetite, and joy. You feel like you are in a dark tunnel with no end in sight, with feelings of impending doom.

Signs and Symptoms

If you identify that you have several of the following signs and symptoms that have lasted for some time you may have clinical depression.

• Feelings of Helplessness and Hopelessness. A negative outlook that nothing is ever going to get better and you don't see any way out of the situation.

• Loss of Interest in Daily Activities. Marked loss of interest in those activities you once derived pleasure from- hobbies, social activities, sex.

• Significant change in appetite or weight loss or gain. A change of more than five percent of body weight in a month.

• Changes in Sleep Patterns. Having difficulty sleeping especially waking in the early morning or feeling you want to sleep most of the day.

• Irritability. Easily agitated or angered, feeling restless. Everything bother you even to the point of violence.

• Loss of Energy. Feeling fatigue, sluggish unable to perform or complete every day tasks.

• Loss of Self Esteem. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, putting yourself down for your faults or mistakes.

• Diminished Ability to Think or Concentrate. Having difficulty focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.

• Reckless Behavior. You participate in self-destructive behavior for example substance abuse, excessive spending, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous activities.

• Recurrent Thoughts of Death. Thinking life is not worth living.

Causes and Risk Factors

• Loneliness

• Lack of social support

• Recent stressful life experience

• Family history of depression

• Marital or relationship problems

• Financial problem

• Childhood abuse or trauma

• Substance abuse

• Unemployment or work related stress

• Health issues or chronic pain

Thoughts of Suicide

Not everyone who becomes depressed feels suicidal. The deep feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness can make a person feel there is no way out except suicide to escape the pain. Any thoughts of death or suicide should be taken seriously as a cry for help. If you or someone you know is considering suicide seek professional help immediately or call 911.

Warning Signs of Suicide

• Talking about killing one self or harming one self

• Having strong feelings of hopelessness and seeing no way out

• Having preoccupation with death and dying

• Showing reckless behavior

• Saying goodbye to friends or family

• Getting one's affairs in order- giving away prized possessions.

• Expressing that the world would be better off without him or her

• Seeing a sudden change from deep depression to relative calm and happy mood

Ways to Recovery

There are actions you can take right now to recover from depression. The thought of recovery might seem far off, but taking the first step is important. Reaching out to friends and family for support letting them know what you are going through is a start in your recovery.

Lifestyle Changes

In order to counteract depression it is important to make some lifestyle changes. Making changes in your lifestyle will ultimately be what keeps you from falling into depression. Lifestyle changes include:

• Getting enough exercise

• Getting enough sleep

• Eating healthy

• Reducing stress in our life

• Learning relaxation techniques

• Not falling into negative thinking

Being aware of these things will help us get ourselves out of a rut. Not feeding into our own negative thinking is an important skill learned by practice.

Finding What Triggers Depression

It is possible to change habits of negative thought and negative emotions. If we are honest about our self-defeating patterns and are ready to take responsibility for change in our lives, we are ready to identify trigger situations and eliminate them from our life. This goes hand in hand with introducing new healthy habits. The two-step process for overcoming depression in the long-term is:

• Identifying "trigger" habits, situations or people and eliminating them from our lives.

• Creating new, healthy habits such as taking up a sport, hobby or social activity that appeals to us.

Seeking Professional Help

If these lifestyle changes are not enough, seek help from a mental health professional. Therapy gives you the opportunity to explore and work through the root cause of your depression. Find a therapist who makes you feel comfortable and who you feel you can trust. Problems of depression and anxiety respond well to therapy.

Major Depressive Disorder - More Than Just the Blues

Major depressive disorder is a serious mental illness that's characterized by persistent blue moods, low self-esteem, and a lack of pleasure in things you've always enjoyed. If you suffer from this illness, you may have trouble doing everyday things and feel that life isn't worth living.

We all get the blues sometimes, but major depressive disorder is the blues on a whole other level. This is when it's so bad you need to see a doctor. The common symptoms of major depressive disorder include:

A persistently low mood that lasts for days or weeks

Lack of interest in all of the things you enjoy doing

Insomnia, oversleeping or other sleep disorders

Lack of appetite


Trouble concentrating

Loss of sex drive

Thoughts of death and suicide

In severe cases hallucinations, delusions and other symptoms of psychosis

What Causes Depression?

There is no one cause that's been identified. It's generally agreed that there are genetic, biological and environmental factors at play. Studies show that people with family members who suffer from depressive disorder are more likely to suffer from the condition as well. It's also been shown that abnormal brain chemistry is a factor. Traumatic life events can also cause depression, although it's not clear whether these events simply trigger a tendency that's already there.

Treating Major Depressive Disorder

If you suffer from blues that just won't go away, the first step is to talk to your doctor. They'll determine whether or not your condition is serious. Usually, major depressive disorder is diagnosed if you've suffered from depression constantly for two weeks or longer. They'll also look for ways your depression has impacted other areas of your life negatively.

The most effective treatment is therapy. Through therapy, you learn to value yourself and enjoy the good things in life. You get back into the swing of things. You'll also learn effective coping strategies to help you deal with your low moments and stresses.

There are several different approaches used for treating depression. One is cognitive therapy, which focuses on your thought processes. The cognitive approach looks at your patterns of thinking and helps you examine them. You look at your negative self-beliefs closely and learn to recognize that they're not valid. Through changing these patterns, you learn to love yourself.

Interpersonal therapy is also often used for depression. Social isolation goes hand in hand with depression, and interpersonal therapy helps you re-learn how to relate to others. You also draw support from them and recognize that you're not alone.

There are also medical treatments that can stop the symptoms of depression. These are antidepressants and they're usually only used in severe cases where your depression is simply debilitating.

If you suffer from a low mood that won't go away, you're not alone. You may suffer from major depressive disorder. The good news is that it's fully treatable and many people just like you have gone on to live happy and productive lives.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grief Into Depression - 'Why Can't Mom Just Snap Out of It'?

Last year, I received a call from Sharon, the adult daughter of a potential client, Bette. Her father, Burt, had passed away a little over a year ago from an extended battle with cancer and Bette had been his primary caregiver. Until his passing, Bette was mobile, energetic and rarely sick. Once Burt passed away, Bette became a 'different person' rarely leaving the house. Her sunny, upbeat disposition had turned into an apathetic approach to everything and everyone in her life.

Sharon shared that she admired her mother more than anyone she had ever met for being able to 'handle anything'. She had always met life's challenges with strength and optimism, being able to formulate a plan to overcome any obstacle put in her way. Now, she was little more than a shadow of her former self and unable to properly maintain the house, herself or any of her relationships. Sharon was concerned because she was unable to 'snap out of it' and Bette was beginning to decline physically.

Because Sharon's life was so hectic, she felt terrible that she could only get over to her mother's house a couple of times a week, and when she got there she was overwhelmed with what needed to be done, grocery shopping, cleaning out the fridge, making sure there was easily accessible meals to be prepared and questioning whether she was taking her medications as prescribed, etc. The house itself was also being neglected severely, with the bare minimum being done to keep things going.

While both Sharon and Bette would benefit from a home care worker, there were deeper issues that needed to be addressed. Bette had been the primary caregiver to her husband of 60+ years as he lost the battle with cancer. She had focused all of her energy and purpose into his care for several years. When he passed away, Bette faced a dual life transition. She had lost her life status as a caregiver and she was no longer Burt's wife of 60+ years. With his death she was faced with excruciating loneliness and loss of purpose. Her family had been there for her right after his death to help but had assumed that she was adjusting well and would be able to handle things. A year later, it was clear that what may have started out as a normal bereavement and grief period had extended beyond a healthy timeframe. At this time, she felt dependent on her family for care and this new dependence pushed her even deeper.

It is not uncommon for the 'strong and capable' family member in this situation to experience depression due to their history of being 'strong and capable'. Often, those around them and they themselves have the expectation that after a 'normal' period of time, they will 'pull themselves up by their boot straps', as they always have. Paradoxically, this is the person that is least likely to ask for help may be suffering silently. It is as if they are unable to see themselves as needing any help or being unable to ask for it. Additionally, physicians tend to overlook signs of depression with seniors and many assume that depression is a normal part of loss. Old assumptions and patterns are tough to overcome.

After speaking with Sharon, I advised her to make an appointment immediately with Bette's physician regarding her decline. She also had to have a gentle talk with her mother about the possibility of being able to see a brighter world through possible interventions of medication and counseling.

We did provide a caregiver for Bette for about 4 months. In the meantime, Bette's doctor found the right medications and she participated in support groups. After a while, Bette turned the corner and was increasingly able to care for herself and her home again. She now does her own grocery shopping enjoys making her meal and even invites others, primarily from her support group, over for meals. Now, when her family visits, they are able to enjoy her company and provide the companionship that only family can provide. They no longer are in the role of caregiver, which is only helping to restore Bette back to her old self.

Every bereavement experience is unique, but if you have a loved one that is not improving after about two months, a visit to their physician may be in order in addition to grief counseling. Counseling and/or medications can make the fog of depression lift, allowing them to slowly begin to feel pleasure and purpose again, the two reasons we ALL need to lead a satisfying life.

Why It Is Important To Treat Depression At The Earliest

All of us go through ups and downs in life and there is hardly any individual in this world irrespective of gender or class who has not experienced depression. Most of us go through depressed periods in life and these could be due to certain factors or events that trigger this condition. A majority of people who suffer from this condition are not even aware that they are depressed.

The various signs of this condition include

· Restlessness,

· Helplessness,

· Irritability

· Feeling worthless.

You might encounter such emotions at different point of time in your life but if this feeling of inadequacy does not go away and you experience prolonged bouts of depression then it is time to sit up, take notice and get treatment.

If left untreated it can affect all aspects of your life. So what are the signs of this condition and how does one come to know of it? The signs that indicate you are in depressed include:

Inability to concentrate and complete tasks that were previously finished within minutes,

Lack of sleep or sleeping all the time,

Inability to control negative thoughts,

Short tempered and irritable,

Feeling helpless and having suicidal tendencies,

Overeating or losing appetite for no apparent reason

Losing interest in every aspect of life.

Dealing with this is quite easy if one is able to recognize the causes and factors that have led to this state of mind. Stress and depression are known to be a deadly cocktail and are the main cause for suicidal tendencies among individuals.

The causes, signs and symptoms of this condition may vary in men, women, older people and teenagers. There are different symptoms to this disorder and hence the treatment also differs accordingly. The cause of this condition includes:

Financial problems,



Problems in marriage,

Childhood abuse,

Health problems,

Alcohol or drug use,


Any members of the family suffering from this disorder (heredity in some cases)

Lack of social support from peers, friends and loved ones.

Self help is possible if you are able to identify the root cause of the problem and deal with it accordingly. The treatments may vary depending on the type of depression that one suffers from and you may need medication in the form of anti-depressants. You may also need to seek professional help to help you win the battle against this disorder. If left untreated, it can cause a lot of physical and mental pain.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm Depressed - Let Me Go to Sleep: Sleep Apnea Linked to Depression

Did you know depression affects nearly 18 million Americans or nearly 10% of the US population. While the causes of depression are many, new studies have recently linked depression to a lack of sleep caused primarily by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused when the airways collapse periodically during sleep. This causes the sufferer to wake up at intervals, before falling asleep again. Instead of having a continuous rest period, their sleep is broken up into tiny fragments, so the next morning they are excessively tired and feel drowsy throughout the day.

Recent studies carried out on individuals to study the correlation between OSA and depression found the following:

800 individuals out of 10,000 individuals had both disorders namely obstructive sleep apnea and depressive disorder.

More OSA patients (approximately 29%) met the criteria for depression.

50% of individuals who are affected by OSA are above the age of 65 and of these 26% have both disorders (OSA and depression).

Unfortunately, the patients who have depressive symptoms are rarely assessed for obstructive sleep apnea.

The shared symptoms in OSA and depression which researches have noted are:

Generalized fatigue

Lack of concentration and alertness

Daytime sleepiness

Gasping for breath


Poorly motivated



Lack of energy

Memory loss

Mood swings

Losing pleasure in daily activities

Cognitive impairment


Dry mouth and throat

Psychological problems.

The severity of these symptoms may vary from individual to individual and the impact they have on daily activities may also differ. But, as the symptoms of both these disorders mimic the symptoms of each other, they are often left untreated, misdiagnosed or are often not diagnosed at all.

What can you do if you or your loved ons show signs of either depression and you suspect it may be due to obstructive sleep apnea?

First, consult with your primary doctor. Advise him of your symptoms. Sleep apnea has gained nationwide attention in recent years and most doctors will not hesitate to order a sleep study if some symptoms of sleep apnea are present.

Secondly, if you are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, wear the prescribed therapy which usually means wearing a CPAP machine at night. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure and is a small device that generates a positive air pressure that "splints" opens the airways at night to prevent the airway from collapsing. It is worn with a mask while you sleep. The past few years have generated new mask and technologies that are making CPAP easier to wear and tolerate.

By treating your obstructive sleep apnea and getting a good nights sleep you may find, as many studies have shown, that your depressive symptoms may also begin to go away making life enjoyable once again.

So if your feeling tired and "blue" it may not be depression alone, it may be time for a sleep study!

Empowering Yourself With Knowledge For The Battle Against Depression

To be honest I used to think depression was a health condition people used as an excuse not to snap back into life. It wasn't until I was faced with the battle against depression that I became a true believer in this mental illness. I knew that if I ever wanted to get my life back, I had to learn how to battle depression effectively.

The first step was admitting that what I was feeling was real, and chances were this battle wouldn't end overnight. I knew this condition was not uncommon but there was many different types and levels of depression. It was helpful for the physicians treating me to know when my symptoms began, and recent events that had taken place in my life.

At the time I was grieving the loss of my grandfather who had raised me as his own. Doctors were able to determine that the cause of my depression was induced by this traumatic event. It also helped me realize the true devastation my grandfather's death had on my life.

The first and most important step I made was reaching out to doctors I trust to treat my depression. The thought of taking medication for this illness was out of the question for me at first, but after a long talk with my physician she assured me that she would never put my health at risk. This was the same physician who refused to prescribe me a particular birth control, because she didn't believe it was safe. Although there are many theories about what causes depression, nothing has clearly been proven.

Some theories include genetics and family mental health history, and others involve changes in brain functionality and structures. Some books on depression documented the affects an individuals attitude can have on the development of depression. An important part of understanding how to battle depression is educating yourself on this mental illness. Coping with depression can be very difficult especially for someone who has trouble sharing themselves with others.

Physical changes that develop as a result of a severe medical condition is also a reported cause of depression for example, Cancer, Diabetes, or Parkinson's disease. Extreme changes in weight and appearance can cause negative feelings and pessimistic behavior. Learning how to battle depression is also about better understanding yourself and how you cope with obstacles in your life. Psychotherapy is usually a recommended part of treatment because of the impact your mind and thought process can have on your mental health.

The False Self Depression Syndrome

People wonder why they become depressed. Sometimes the causes are very clear, like the loss of a loved one, getting fired from a job, a relationship breakup, or even losing one's home to foreclosure. Many times, however, depression seems to come out of the blue or it slowly creeps up on you, building so gradually that you never notice it until you wake up one day and say to yourself: "how did things get so bad?" Contrary to the common view that depression is just a "chemical imbalance" (meaning your neurotransmitters are somehow out of whack), depression is usually caused by something, even if you cannot immediately identify the reason. In fact, depression has many causes and can be more like a sign of an underlying problem then what is typically regarded as a medical disorder (like diabetes or cancer). Depression rarely occurs in a vacuum and the underlying reasons for your depression may not be clear. One less obvious, yet common, reason for your depression may be due to living your life out of a false sense of self-what I call the "False Self Depression Syndrome".

All too commonly depression is a symptom of essentially being "out of touch" with yourself. In this sense depression is an inner sign that things are not going so well. You may be depressed because you have lost focus on your life or path, on what is important to you, on your true, authentic self. Your depression may be inviting you to take a look inwards. Are you leading the right life? Are you being true to yourself? Are you too often ignoring or avoiding painful thoughts or feelings and not dealing with them? Are you checked out due to alcohol or other drugs? Are you getting so caught up in the latest, greatest, modern fad, that you do not know who you are anymore? You may be living life through a false self! It is easy to form a false self because many social situations demand that you stuff your true feelings (especially anger, sadness, fear, & embarrassment) and present with socially acceptable ones (like being humorous or happy). For instance you may be furious with your boss but cannot really let him or her know because it could jeopardize your job. So rather than yell, you smile or crack a joke, when on the inside you are hurt and angry. Gradually you build a false self and depression creeps in.

A false self may have formed early on in childhood to protect yourself or fit in with your family and can lead to depression. Perhaps if you showed anger, you would get hit or punished. Or if you showed sadness or grief, your feelings were minimized, ignored, or belittled. Or perhaps nobody helped you develop your own interests or hobbies, and you conformed to what your parents wanted or demanded. Overtime you learned that it is easier to choke down your true feelings and "pretend" not to be hurt or angry. Or you learned to let go of passions and interests because your parents did not approve. Maybe if you grew up with neglect you never even formed interests to begin with. Eventually you lost touch with yourself, your dreams and passions, as well as certain basic feelings. You were not allowed to have them and in an effort to fit in or protect yourself, you created a false self-a kind of mask or false identity to fit in. The "true self", the part of you that experiences your real feelings, strivings, hopes, and dreams, got lost in the shuffle and finally you became depressed.

In this way a "depressed self" gradually formed as you identify more and more with your false self or persona (a false mask you show to the world). If you adopted a false self at an early age, you may have forgotten that you ever had a true self to begin with! In a nut shell the true self is covered up by the false self -your true needs and feelings are ignored causing you to become depressed! When the false self takes over, you need to make changes! You need to be honest with yourself and connect to your true feelings. Authentic living and genuine feeling is a powerful antidote to this form of depression.

Here are four things you can do to reconnect to your true self. First, be as honest as possible in your interactions with others and refrain from hiding out behind a false mask. Get into the practice of telling people how you really feel. This is especially important with significant others but you may find you can be more honest and assertive with your communications at work as well. Be real and stop pretending. Second, begin some practice that allows you to be fully present and in the moment, examples include yoga and meditation. These activities have a grounding effect and allow you to get centered and more in touch with yourself. Simple mindfulness based meditation where you focus on the in and out of your breathing is an excellent practice. Just take 5 minutes a day and focus all your attention on the simple in and out of your breathing, gently pushing away distracting thoughts and reengage with your breathing. A variation of this meditation involves using imagery and healing statements to reconnect. Third, engage your creativity-painting, molding things with clay, drawing, music, creative writing or any other practice that stirs your creative juices connects you with your insides and allows the real you to emerge in creative, spontaneous ways.

Finally, give serious consideration to seeing a well qualified, experienced therapist. Living a false self is no joke and many people need professional help getting back into their true selves. Reconnecting with your true self can involve encountering painful feelings and you may need a professional to help you tune into yourself and work through the pain.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to Feel Better When Depressed

Most people who suffer from depression are more likely to seek counseling or medications as a form of treatment. However exercise is proven to be an effective technique for battling their condition. Exercise reduces stress and relieves the negative feelings associated with depression and anxiety. Hopefully this article will shed some light on how to battle depression using techniques other than medication.

Each day is a struggle, an individual with depression can almost never be certain how they will feel from day-to-day. Some people may believe that this condition is something you can simply snap out of but it is much more complicated than that. There are even days that make simple tasks such as getting out of the bed seemingly impossible.

A helpful coping mechanism is using creativity such as writing, drawing, or other creative projects. As these outlets allow you to release stress and organize your thoughts. No matter what technique you choose is always recommended to anyone who is experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety to see a doctor. Depression is often referred to as"The Common Cold of Mental Health", and it affects your body, mood, and thoughts.

Exercise also has physical benefits as well such as a healthy heart, bones, and blood flow. For individuals who don't have the desire to utilize physical activity as a coping mechanism, may find it beneficial to use something such as dance to incorporate this into their treatment. Psychotherapy can be a great help for treating depression, studies show that 50% of people diagnosed with mild to moderate depression achieve symptom relief through psychotherapy. Self-help books on depression are essential to learning how to battle depression effectively. As there are many different diagnoses types for this condition, manic being the most severe form.

In my personal experience as a creative writer and someone who uses writing is an emotional outlet, when I don't write for long periods of time my mental health is affected. Exercise has always been a major part of my life, and when I veered away from it I could feel the effect it had on my stress level and mood. Exercise has been proven to be one of the most fast acting anti-depressant treatments because of the immediate response our bodies has to it. There is no one size fits all treatment for this condition, everyone has different needs and their own unique response to treatments. However patients suffering with this mental health disorder have to all start with one thing, and that is acknowledging that you have a problem and you need help.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Finding Research and Helpful Books On Depression and the Causes Of Depression

Initially I believed depression was just a made up excuse for people who allowed their emotions to consume them. However, the death of my father changed my entire outlook on life and this mental health disorder I once believed did not exist. I realized that if I wanted to go on with my life, I needed to learn how to battle depression. Since that time I have done extensive research and read many books on depression.

In order to fight this fight you have to first acknowledge that there is a conflict that needs to be resolved within yourself. Although this condition is common it is also very unique, medication alone will not cure depression. The root of your struggle has to be identified in order for you to proceed in treating this mental health disorder. It is difficult to solve any problem without first going back to the beginning.

Seeking medical attention is necessary for the diagnosis of the specific form of depression a patient has. From my research and the books on depression I have read, I have discovered that there are many causes of depression. Some theories about causes include genetic predisposition as family and their behaviors can help others better understand how genetics are linked to this condition. It has also been documented that changes in the brain functions and structures can contribute to the development of depression. However,there is no certain evidence that concludes the relationship genetics and brain functionality has to depression.

Low self-esteem and a pessimistic attitude is also believed to be other causes of depression. Someone who has these traits are likely to have a negative outlook on life and constantly feel worthless and discouraged. Stress is also something that can invoke the onset of this mental health disorder. The pressures that we are forced to face in life can be so overwhelming they induce stressful situations.

Physical changes to your body can also cause the onset of depression such as weight gain or extreme weight loss. Chronic medical conditions like Parkinson's disease, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes can make the individual believe that there is nothing worth living for. When this happens it can delay the pace of recovery for the patient.

Although it is not clear what the exact causes of depression are, many health professionals agree that certain physical, emotional, and genetic traits can lead to depression. The one thing that is certain is that individuals suffering with this condition can face life altering changes as a result. As scholars continue to perform high quality research on mental health disorders, effective books on depression will continue to arise.

Self Help For Depression

There are so many people walking around with depression but they do not go and ask for help. This can be for a variety of reasons. Fear of the unknown is one of them. This is actually so unnecessary. Why walk around with a symptom if you can be cured of it?

Remember that depression does not only affect you but it actually affects the people around you as well. So it is important to tackle this issue together. Emotional support during a depression battle is vital. You must discern whether you want to opt for self help for depression treatments or medical treatments.

Keep the following in mind when before you go for treatment:

1. Depression treatment may take time to work properly. Do not get impatient. This is why emotional support is especially important. When you want to give up, it helps a lot when someone is next to you spurring you on.

2. You will probably have to investigate which therapy or exercise works best for your depression symptoms. There are some great resources available. Just remember that everyone is different and that one treatment will not 'fit' all. Be ready to experiment.

3. You have to understand what kind of depression you are going through. Remember that depression symptoms are categorized in different levels of severity. I do not think that self help for depression treatments would be a great option for severe depression but professional medical advice should rather be sought.

4. Never isolate yourself. Isolation will not help your depression. You need to be in contact with people you trust while you are going through treatment. This will greatly enhance your chances to overcome depression.

Other aspects that are vital to remember include the following:

You need a balanced diet. There is a very definitive connection between depression and eating habits. The healthier you eat the cleaner your body will be and the better you will feel. This is a decision you will have to make. It takes discipline and rewards of this discipline will come back to you in multiples.

If you are sleep deprived you will struggle to overcome depression symptoms. A good nights sleep goes a long way. Make sure you have a mattress that sleeps well. If you think about it, you spend a third of your life in bed (8 hours of sleep per 24 hour cycle).

If you do not exercise, your body cannot produce endorphins. These endorphins help a lot to overcome depression. These 3 points mentioned here are also excellent self help for depression tips.

There is a way out and you can be cured. Just make a decision that you will get out of this depression rut and it will be so.

How To Overcome Depression With Forgiveness

My tip for your overcoming of depression today is forgiveness. When an incident happens or when someone does something bad to you, do not let it get the better of you as you will find it difficult to recover from it.

This can cause a depression type state. Therefore my advice today to help you overcome depression fast is to either

1) Forgive another person if you feel this person has done you wrong.

2) If you have thought that you have done wrong in the past, you must forgive yourself if you want to move forward in your life. You need to get over it and forgive yourself. You can't let yourself live in the past

You are a different person now than you were in the past. You need to get over your pain and get on with your life.You must not have a bad opinion and perception of yourself for the rest of your life. You will start to overcome depression when you change your self-image. Start seeing yourself in a good light and your inner confidence will start to grow..

Forgiveness for me goes hand in hand with gratitude. When you really think what you have going on in your life and the positivity that emanates from gratitude, you will start to forgive yourself. Count 5 blessings before you give yourself the right to count one worry..

You must let it all go. Let go all the anger, the resentment that you are subconsciously holding onto. You are a slave if all you think about is the actions and opinions of others. You must not do this and even if you feel that someone harmed you in the past, do not hold onto this and forgive them unconditionally even if they do not ask for forgiveness.

Forgiveness allows you to concentrate on your own life. Why would you want to spend you life being a slave thinking about your past demons. You must make a decision and what I mean about making a decision is to have no way of turning back. Decide now with 100% faith that you will forgive what you need to forgive. Decide now that you will never think of this incident again and that you will stop being a slave.

Look the reason you are in this situation is because of yourself. If you want to give these negative incidents rent free space in your mind, you are setting yourself up for disaster. Ultimately you must control what goes on in your mind and if you want those thoughts to be positive, you must start with complete forgiveness, period.

Depression Test

Depression is a fairly common medical condition that affects a large number of people around the world. It is also one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed problems out there. For a long time, people have been told that it is all in their mind and they should "snap out of it". Today, however, people have realized it is a serious condition that calls for medical attention. Before concluding that one has depression, it is important to get a diagnosis. A depression test can help people to confirm whether or not they have the condition. Once a person has the information, it is the first step to seeking treatment.

Doctors and mental health experts often carry out several tests to find out whether or not a patient is suffering from depression. It is important to find out if one has depression or if it is another condition that has similar symptoms. The tests that are carried out by the health experts include physical and other evaluation tests. A proper diagnosis can only be carried out by examining the symptoms that the patient exhibits. Most professionals will generally use assessment tools to detect the depression. The assessment will cover a number of questions that help to pick out signs of depression.

Someone who is diagnosed with depression will most likely have exhibited the symptoms for a long period of time. Someone who is feeling sad or low after having gone through a tragic situation cannot necessarily be diagnosed as having depression. The depression tests have a comprehensive list of symptoms and if the patient exhibits 5 or more symptoms for a period of over 2 weeks, then depression can be diagnosed. The symptoms are evaluated and taken alongside the results of the physical tests. After all other medical conditions have been ruled out, the patient is diagnosed with depression and treatment can begin. Getting treatment for depression is very important as it can even help to avert death.

A number of websites have been offering free tests for people who think they may be suffering from depression. When someone logs onto the sites there are some questions to answer and after you have given your responses, the test will come back either positive or negative. While the tests may offer pertinent information, it is important to seek medical attention. The online tests should not be used as a self-diagnostic mechanism. There are many medical conditions that can exhibit the same symptoms as depression. Anyone who thinks that they may have depression and has taken the online tests should visit a doctor for a more comprehensive diagnosis. Depression is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly. It can have serious consequences on one's ability to function in every area of life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Natural Remedy Tips on Self Help for Depression and Anxiety

Are you feeling helpless and totally overwhelmed with your life right? Is getting out of bed in the morning impossible to do some days? The impact of depression can be life altering in the worse way, I know this from personal experience. Self help for depression and anxiety is available and it is very vital to your success at beating this condition. There are great books on depression, it's really about deciding what you need.

There is a piece of advice my mother has given me over and over again through the years, and that is "where there is a will, there is a way". This can be applied to so many situations that come about in our lives, but when it comes to dealing with depression some days you may find you have the will to do nothing. That can be many things in life that bring about that "depressed" feeling, but feeling depressed and actually being depressed are two entirely different things. For example, failing an exam, being dumped, or even losing someone you love can cause you to feel down. However, in most cases these feelings pass and you move own with life.

Moving on when you have depression or anxiety isn't so simple though, there has to be a great effort put forward to overcome this condition. Experts say that loneliness is a natural part of every day life, but for people with this condition that affects of this emotion can be detrimental. It is important to be aware what is going on with both your physical and mental health, you have no reason to feel ashamed about taking care of yourself. My advice is to explore books on depression and figure out what book will benefit you.

The next tip I want to share with you about self help for depression and anxiety is the sunlight tip, ask yourself do you get enough sunlight? It may sound silly but a lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone called Melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and/or a lethargic condition. Speaking from experience I find this to be very true, as working from home means I spend a lot more time indoors and at times it hasn't been good for my mental health. This is also the reason many people suffer from seasonal depression (SAD) which occurs in the Fall and Winter months. If you aren't able to go outside it's a good idea to open your curtains or blinds and allow sunlight to come in.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Other People Have Found Help For Panic Attacks, Follow Their Lead!

Many people are seeking help for panic attacks nowadays, because anxiety and worry (two common reasons for attacks) seem to be at a very high level right now. Everyone is susceptible to getting a panic attack, but there are some people who can cope with anxiety and worry utilizing a few natural techniques.

Often what works for one person will work for another. This is why programs work so well. A proven technique that works for many different people, and is backed up by a ton of testimonials, is bound to be adopted and sought after by many more people!

Three Techniques That Can Help Panic Attacks

1. Pay Attention To Unrealistic Thinking

Anxiety and worry normally occur when the mind begins to race with thoughts that begin with "What if?" We start off by wondering what will happen if a negative situation occurs, and soon we are staring down the worst case scenario. Our minds have a way of taking a simple thought and turning into an irrational thought that causes us panic.

Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to the fact that you are starting to make up stories in your head or when you are heading towards the worst case scenario. Once you start to pay attention to your thoughts you will have more control over the direction they go. You will stop being a victim to your thoughts and stop allowing them to rule your emotions.

2. Start Challenging Your Thoughts With The Facts

When you start to recognize your irrational thoughts, you can then start to question them and challenge them. You may want to question whether they are stories that you are starting to make up in your head or whether they are based on real occurrences that could happen. You will find that most of the time they are stories.

However, if you find that your thoughts could actually come into play in your life, if so, then start to question how likely it is that they really will. Many times when you weigh the likelihood of something negative occurring, you will see that the chances are pretty slim.

Additionally, you may want to start telling yourself more positive things in place of those negative thoughts. For instance, if you are starting to become anxious about losing a job, then start to create a new, more positive, thought about being promoted. Often times, changing your thoughts to something more positive will allow you to feel better and relieve your of the anxiety that you are feeling. Relieving the anxiety is a great help for panic attacks.

3. Challenge Your Fears

Attacks are often caused by fears and phobias. One form of help for panic attacks it to face your fears and phobias head on, and experience the worst of what could happen. This has helped cure many people who have recurring attacks.

For instance, if public speaking makes you anxious and causes panic attacks, then you can gradually expose yourself to more and more people to overcome your fear. Starting small by facing one person may be scary, but it will expose you to your fear and allow you to deal with the feelings rather than become anxious about them. The more your face your fears and the more people you speak in front of, the more your fears will start to reside.

In the end, remember that there is preventative help for panic attacks as well. A healthy diet, adequate exercise, stress reduction, and living a simple life are all ways to reduce your chances of having an attack. But if you are suffering from panic attacks right now then following in other's footsteps (proven methods that work) is the best way to start relieving your panic attacks.

Physical Symptoms of Severe Depression

Depression symptoms are a mental illness. However, it could affect your body system along with your mind and it can cause insomnia. This is one of the symptoms of severe depression. However, there are different physical symptoms of severe depression. I will be mentioning some visible symptoms that most individuals suffer. The upper body discomfort could be an indication of a cardiovascular or lung problem. Once you start to feel this type of pain, I will advise you to see your doctor to eliminate any significant cause. Most times this chest pain could be a signal of depressive disorders.

This illness will put your heart at the risk of heart disease. In addition, you might end up having stroke. This symptom is the early stage of severe depression, which you must avoid in order to ensure a healthy body system. Muscle pain and depression are close to each other, you can easily link them together. Living with persistent pain might raise the possibility of suffering from severe depression. Sometimes, when you are depressed you feel pain, so individuals that are prone to chronic pain will surely suffer from severe depression.

Digestive Problems

Digestive problem is also another symptom of sever depression. Our digestive system and brain are also linked together. Once our mind is not at rest, our digestive systems will begin to function wrongly which is why a lot of us acquire belly pain or feeling sick when we're pressured or anxious. Below are some digestive problems that you can acquire while you are going through the earlier stage of this illness.

• Feeling sick

• Indigestion

• Irregularity of bowel

With these symptoms, you should start to prepare yourself ahead in-order to prevent the possibility of severe depression and some individuals with depression usually complain of severe headache or migraines. According to research, it has been said that most people with chronic depression are prone to possess migraines and these individuals are likely to end up with the advanced stage of this illness if they don't take good care of themselves.

Changes In Weight

Some individuals find it very hard to eat and other won't be able to stop eating. At this point, some individuals will end up losing weight while some individuals will end up adding weight. Severe depression has been linked to eating disorders like anorexia etc. Most time, women go through a lot when it comes to depression and anorexia. Below are some intense body pain that are symptoms of depression.

• Spin pain

• Back pain

• Severe pain in the neck

Sexual dysfunctions If you are depressed, your appetite for sex will be reduced, or you might end not disliking sex totally. In conclusion, symptoms of severe depression will have a negative effect on sexual life. People who are depressed is more likely to use alcohol or some drugs that have to do with sexual energy, which might not work perfectly. I will advise you to talk to your doctor once you start noticing these physical symptoms to help prevent malfunction of your general body system.