Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Finding Hope for Depression

Depression can be a debilitating disease to try to cope with. It is hope draining because it brings with it the feeling that it is beyond your control. It is just present like the air you breathe. This, however, is a false feeling. Depression is an emotion and like all emotions it is transitory. It is not beyond your control. There are a number of techniques that you can draw on to lessen or alleviate its grip. Let's look at some simple methods that might be effective.

It might be time to examine what is really important. Our society has placed a high priority on physical and material values that have little true worth and are elusive for a large majority of people. It might be more satisfying to concentrate on the deeply satisfying aspects of life such as family, true friends, or your spiritual beliefs and faith. What will give you more lasting fulfillment - the 70 hours a week you worked for that bigger salary or your son giving you a hug after you have watched him run and hit and maybe stumble through his first ballgame? What is actually more important -the facelift making your smile look younger than your circle of acquaintances or the smile on your grandchild's face after you've spent a day reading, and playing, and baking cookies?

If you have had some serious trauma in your past, you may need to examine it and take the time to explore it. If there are issues like this that you have never truly worked through, depression may actually be an indicator that it is time. For depression based in this root, I would seriously recommend that you don't try to deal with it alone. Talk to a very trusted friend, your pastor, or a counselor. It may take time to process the hurt, and if needed find a way to forgive, but the effort is worthwhile. This kind of work happens one step at a time. Every piece you deal with brings greater freedom. Don't be discouraged. Just like physical wounds that are deep, more than a couple of procedures may be necessary. But healing is possible.

Try finding someone else who is troubled and give into their life without expecting them to return the favor. Better yet, do it in a way so that they won't even know it was you. Depression can become very self absorbing, and giving into someone else's life takes your mind off of yourself.

Count your blessings. That is a simple but very powerful truth that will bring some joy back into your life. When you are depressed, your mind sees the problem. It ruminates on all of the negative aspects of your situation. There is a lack of balance going on in your thinking processes. Thankfulness puts those kind of thoughts in perspective. It shines a ray of light into the darkness of depression and it gives you a road of hope to walk on.

Speaking of walking, that's a good idea. Get yourself moving! Most people, when they are caught in the pit of depression think that they will be able to start behaving differently when the depression lifts. The exact opposite is actually true. If you make yourself start doing and moving and joining in, the depression can begin to lift. Some exercise will do wonders for a mood because it sets certain brain chemicals in motion that are beneficial for your frame of mind. Healthy eating habits can also have a positive effect.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that this condition is treatable. It does not have to become a permanent way of life. Plant that hope firmly in your mind and then begin to move forward. Baby steps are still steps, and they are terrific, if they are moving you in the right direction. Celebrate every victory, large or small and press on!

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