Friday, December 9, 2011

Learn Why Antidepressants Don't Work and Find The Best Depression Treatment

Antidepressants annulate the actuation of your immune system. They give you relief for a certain period of time, without solving your problems, and without letting your conscience fight against the invasion of the absurdity that comes from your anti-conscience. The anti-conscience is your wild and primitive conscience, which is still active inside you and generates mental illnesses within your human conscience.

If you'll take antidepressants instead of following psychotherapy, you will simply suppress your depressed feelings, without eliminating the causes of your depression. Even if you believe that your depression is caused by life situations that you cannot control, the truth is that you can change your life and stop being in a difficult position. You can also change your personal philosophy of life and learn how to deal with problematic situations without feeling despair.

Dream therapy according to the scientific method of dream interpretation is the best natural depression treatment you can find, especially because it is safe. When you take antidepressants you are in great danger. The antidepressants may cause you many psychological problems instead of helping you cope with depression. On the other hand, when you follow the psychotherapy of ignorant human beings your depression may increase because ignorant human beings cannot see the content of your brain, and they ignore many things about you and your life.

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is the only doctor you can absolutely trust because it is God's mind. The unconscious wisdom proves God's existence. This means that you can really trust the treatment you follow when you obey the guidance of your unconscious doctor in dream messages.

The unconscious mind knows everything about you and your life. Thus, the guidance you receive is specific and surely appropriate for your case.

If you have no conditions to study the dream language because you are too sad and you need urgent support, I can translate your dreams for you and provide you with psychotherapy. Many people prefer this option because they are not familiar with the unconscious psychotherapy in dreams. When they see how it works, they usually decide to study my dynamic method of instant dream translation (derived from Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation).

Dream therapy works for all cases.

If you had a sad childhood and adolescence, you will surely have to bear depression at a certain point in your life. You have to eliminate the wounds of the past and your erroneous ideas in order to eliminate the depressed feeling they bring to your memory.

The suffering from the past prevents your evolution. You have many self-defensive reactions that you started adopting after having various traumas. Your anti-conscience takes advantage of the traumatic experiences of your life in order to send you absurd fears and block the development of your intelligence, generating abnormal behavior.

Your anti-conscience damages your memory and your nervous system, causing many distortions. Therefore, you don't have the chance to understand what is happening to you and react. Only through a detailed analysis of your life biography and through the correction of the mistakes you make for being influenced by your anti-conscience, can your conscience stop being blocked.

Without the right treatment you will feel worse, and you may even become neurotic. This is why you must be very careful when you are feeling depressed.

There are numerous false treatments that are very dangerous for your mental and physical health. You should be prudent and look for the authentic psychotherapy of the unconscious mind in your own dreams.

You may suffer from depression in your adult life even if you had a normal childhood and adolescence because you are too introverted. Those who belong to introverted psychological types tend to acquire mental illnesses because they are nearer the absurd content of their psyche. They tend to neglect the real characteristics of their external reality and pay attention only to their personal impressions and ideas.

This doesn't mean that those who belong to extroverted psychological types are not vulnerable to depression. Extroverted psychological types suppress their psychological problems, finding relief with material pleasures. This is why they don't become depressed as frequently as introverted psychological types. However, since they don't really solve their problems, they become victims of their anti-conscience at a certain point. They feel horribly depressed without understanding why.

Each one becomes depressed for a certain reason related to his/her psychological type. We are constantly having to face situations that demand the development of all our psychological functions, so that we may stop being one-sided. We have to be as introverted as extroverted in order to find balance.

As you can see, the intention to cure depression through antidepressants is totally absurd. Without psychotherapy you'll never understand what is causing your psychological problems and stop feeling depressed. The depression treatment of the unconscious mind in your dreams is the only one that can give you many explanations and help you evolve.

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