Wednesday, March 6, 2013

5 Tips to Beat Depression Today

Once you've got the foundations from the Beat Depression Forever series, practice these tips to keep you focused on healing.

1. DO give thanks. Thoughts cause the downward spiral and thoughts reverse it. I often used the word "violence" when describing my deliberate thought-changes because it felt that way. It was as if a wheel in my heart was turning faster and faster in the direction of complaint, or discontent or feeling victimized. It didn't stop on its own. I had to push my thoughts in the opposite direction; namely, by counting my blessings. You don't have to feel it. You just have to do it. If you're struggling to think of a blessing, start with the air in your lungs. Give thanks that you live in a universe with endless opportunity. Give thanks that depression is not going to stay. Give thanks for your mother, sister, cousin, daughter; for the shoes on your feet; or that you have feet at all. Count your blessings like your life depended on it. You'll begin to see life in a whole new light.

2. DON'T listen to negative music. Negativity is negativity, and you DON'T need it. Songs have the power to plant seeds in your mind. Steer clear of bad seeds. Play tunes that minister life and positivity.

3. DO pray. Ask God for the power to walk in the light. Ask Him to help you change your mind and be filled with peace. Ask others to pray for you.

4. DON'T slump. One of the debilitating factors of depression is that it zaps motivation. While I was depressed I wanted to withdraw and sink into a cave. This, of course, only made me feel worse. I couldn't rely on how I felt. I had to act on what I knew to be true. Going for a walk or hitting the gym got my blood flowing and dopamine rushing. I'd start by putting one foot in front of the other. Make the phone call, walk the dog, do the dishes. As soon as you see yourself going "back to black" don't just slump into it. Get up and do something.

5. DO take good care of your body. Sleep deprivation will make anyone upset. Poor body care can leave you feeling tired, worn out, even foggy brained. Get plenty of sleep. Get some exercise several days per week. Even a thirty minute walk outside can be rejuvenating. You may need a note of discipline at the outset, but later you'll be so glad you did it. Jump in a sauna or steam room. Take a hot bath. Sweating has wonderful health benefits. It relaxes tense muscles, stimulates circulation, gets your heart pumping just enough to give a little boost to your metabolism, actually activates your immune system and refreshes your whole body. Eat whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts to boost energy levels. While low energy can drag you into a slump, vitality attracts both people and opportunities, and makes for a better mood.

I pray for heaven's touch in your heart and life today. May God send an angel to remind you that you are loved, and to give you a taste of heaven. AMEN.

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