Friday, February 17, 2012

5 PROVEN Tips To Help You Wipeout Your Depression

Are you lonely?

You might not be surprised to know that at some point during your life you will experience the feeling of loneliness; but it's important to understand that this feeling is normal and will be experienced by everyone at some point during their life. You are not alone here, we have all been there.

It's understandable to feel depressed if you fail important exams, or if you are rejected by another person. Feeling lonely can feel even more intense when someone you love passes away. It's nothing to be ashamed of; it's a part of life.

Depression on the other hand can be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could turn into devastating life-long consequences that can destroy your self-esteem, health, and well-being in the process.

Well today I am going to share five mood busting tips to help you overcome the 'Melancholy Mood' to enable you to get the MOST pleasure out of your daily activities.

Tip #1. Do you get enough Light and Sunshine?

Lack of natural daylight can have a negative affect on your mood. If you find yourself suffering with depression during the winter months especially, you could have 'Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)' this is sometimes referred to as 'winter depression'. The two main symptoms of SAD are low moods and a lack of enthusiasm in ordinary things. Other symptoms of SAD included; Being less active, weight gain and tiredness.

Did you know that with winter days being shorter and nights being longer, the body produces a hormone called Melatonin which is only produced in dark conditions? The lack of exposure to sunlight lowers your body temperature and makes you feel listless and it has been found to trigger a disheartened mood and/or a sluggish condition. So, if you do spend a lot of time in your room, with the curtains drawn, you will find it much harder to create enough enthusiasm to get yourself out of bed every day.

You can always travel to find the sun, but if you can't afford to buy some sunshine, try brightening up your room with lights to help make up for the darkness. could go out and have lunch instead of spending time at home or in the office for a change, take regular walks in the afternoon to soak up the natural rays and fresh air, instead of driving your car over short distances.

There are lots of choices, use your imagination. It's really up to you to change your daily routine of darkness and let the light in.

Tip #2. Keep Busy and Get Inspired.

You have a greater chance of overcoming any feeling of depression if you shift your focus and keep your mind busy by engaging in activities that you enjoy.

Do things you have a passion for.

If you find you are financially challenged this should not prevent you from making changes to your daily routine. Engage in simple things that won't break the bank, take a leisurely walk in the park, play a sport, read books and broaden your mind, or spend time doing things that you have passion for and would love to pursue.

Also, try setting some achievable goals.

No matter what your situation, life can be difficult or discouraging at the best of times. But remember that this will not last forever, stay focused and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. You just need to decide what it is you want and do it! Keeping a positive attitude will you help you beat the winter blues.

Tip #3. Take Time Out, Sit Back and Relax.

Put your feet up and enjoy listening to your favourite music or some soothing meditation. Make time to soak in a nice warm bubble bath, with some scented candles. Basically, take a break from your daily stresses and workload by spending a few hours or the day just doing the things you love. In other words, go and have some fun. Life's too short.

Tip #4. Maintain a Balanced diet and Move More.

Avoid foods that contain lots of Sugar, Caffeine or Alcohol.

Sugar and caffeine is a quick fix for small energy boosts; but longer term they will trigger bouts of anxiety, tension and internal problems. Alcohol has the opposite effect and works as a depressant. Many people drink alcohol to "forget their problems", but all they are really doing is avoiding their issues and aggravating the situation in the process.

Also, did you also know that taking regular exercise is crucial when it comes to beating depression?

Why you ask?

Well, regular exercise helps your body produce more 'happy chemicals' called Endorphins, so in simple terms the increase in endorphins lowers stress levels and boosts happiness. So start today and see instant results in your moods.

Tip #5. Get a Social Life Outside of Work.

No man is an island and your close work colleagues/friends are there to offer you moral support when times are looking a bit bleak.

Spending time with them and engaging in worthwhile activities will give you a very satisfying feeling of belonging. Knowing that you have the support from friends during and outside of work is a very comforting feeling.

It's important also to never underestimate the power of Touch. What I mean is, it feels good to get a pat on the back and words of encouragement during your most challenging times, especially from people that you trust and love.

Give out hugs

Get intimate with someone you love

Create close bonds with family and friends

The love and care expressed by you and others can massively boost your moods, immune system and help fend off illnesses. Best of all, you will live longer feeling more secure and happier.

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