Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Suicide - A Disillusioned Expression of Freedom

We all have moments of feeling low and desperate, surrounded by darkness with no way out. For most of us it is just a passing emotion or stage in life that once is passed, makes us stronger, but unfortunately for some it's the ultimate solution. Sometimes suicide is just an unfortunate moment of desperation, when there was no-one around to help and stop it. Sometimes it is a planned action, with careful preparation. Whatever the scenario is, it leaves those around, with the question WHY?

Families and closed ones often struggle afterwards with the question how they could prevent it. Quite often sadly even the symptoms are missed and totally unnoticed.

Rather complex issue is the assisted suicide. It's hard to judge how we would act being in endless pain, or seeing our loved ones in unbearable suffering. Suicide definitely touches both: physical and mental aspects of human life.

The Oxford Dictionary definition of 'suicide' is 'the action of killing oneself intentionally'. So it's not the accident. It is planned. It is wanted. That once again brings the question 'Why'.

There is increasing popularity of suicidal forums and blogs where people are looking for companions to kill themselves. It is a shocking discovery to find that the Google keywords relating to the word 'suicide' show that the terms like 'suicidal', 'suicides', 'why suicide', 'how to suicide',' suicide methods', 'commit suicide' 'suicidal thoughts' bring a multimillion, or at least thousands of worldwide searches every month, while the keywords like 'suicide help', 'suicide solution', 'suicide project' bring only below 1000 or a hundred...

From the religious point of view, taking your own life away is conflicting with the God's plan and power. He is a giver of life and he should decide when someone's life ends. Even when taking the religious aspect away, it is still hard to deny that our life belongs to us, but it was not our decision to create it. So many parents left in pain, asking why their children decided to take their own life away, having so many brilliant opportunities ahead of them. On the other hand there are children left with no parents. What is' the phenomenon' of the suicide...Is it an act of cowardliness or a total desperation when the life seems just too much. What could be the solution? Maybe media should focus more on suicides prevention, instead of getting overexcited when it happens and splashing the stories on the front pages. Maybe Education system should come up with some programmes and strategies teaching what to do when you feel suicidal. Every life saved, is so worth it.

According to Sartre, suicide was the highest exhibition of human freedom. We are so free and powerful that we can take our own life away. At his time, some people representing Bohemia used to party and then kill themselves to show their ultimate freedom. Was it really a freedom? And what for to express it like that? Are there any other ways? - Of course there are- More positive ones, without leaving others in pain.

It is not a pathetic statement that every one of us has someone who cares, who if they knew, would go extra mile to stop this definite and irreversible act. That includes those on the other side of the suicide helpline phones who sacrifice their own time and do not take any money. Some of them are:

USA - Tel. 0808 802 5858, 1-800-784-2433

UK- Tel. 08457 90 90 90, 0800 068 4141

Australia - Tel. 13 11 14, 1800 18 SANE (7263), 1300 78 99 78

Whoever feels suicidal should at least give it a chance, and give the chance themselves. That would be an ultimate freedom and love to one selves, if we would give us a chance before doing something that we can't even regret, as we might not to be there to do that. Truly pointless...Hope never dies.

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