Friday, February 10, 2012

Depression Treatment Without Medication That You Can Trust

The depression treatment based on the scientific method of dream interpretation is a safe treatment that you can trust because it is based on the unconscious wisdom. The divine unconscious mind knows everything about you and your life.

By translating the meaning of your dreams according to the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me, you have free psychotherapy in the dream messages. You only have to study the dream language for a while with my simplifications in order to have this knowledge always helping you in your life.

If you have no time for studies, I can translate your dreams for you and help you solve your problems with this knowledge. My fast translations and my advice based on the information contained in your dreams will help you get rid of your depression in a short period of time (from 2 to 8 months of psychotherapy).

You can also follow dream therapy based on my lessons. Now that I completed Jung's research, everything is very clear. Dream translation is not a mystery.

Carl Jung's discoveries about the meaning of dreams have already cured numerous people before my simplifications. However, his method is too complicated and obscure. Only intellectuals can follow his steps. My discoveries, my clarifications, and my simplifications are helping average people easily learn the dream language and find salvation thanks to this knowledge. Now, even a child can learn the dream language and follow the unconscious psychotherapy.

My work is in fact a continuation of Carl Jung's work. This is why I always mention that he discovered the right method of dream interpretation. I simply completed the missing points. This means that you have a double guarantee that this method really works. It is not an old method that has already cured numerous people.

The scientific method of dream interpretation provides you with a depression treatment without medication that gives you many explanations and helps you in all ways. You understand what is causing abnormalities, participating of your psychotherapy. At the same time, you learn how to solve all the problems of your life; not only the psychological ones.

Your depression is surely the result of the problems you have to face. Everything is related in life. This is why the unconscious treatment changes your life, the same way it transforms your personality.

Of course you are depressed if you are facing terrible problems, or if many bad events against you keep happening all the time. You need help.

The unconscious mind will show you how to successfully solve your problems and how to find sound mental health. You won't be cured only if you won't follow the guidance you receive. If you'll be an obedient patient, your cure is guaranteed.

For example, if your dermatologist will tell you that you cannot wash dishes without wearing plastic gloves because your skin is too sensitive, but you disregard this guidance and you keep washing dishes without wearing plastic gloves, your hands cannot be cured. They will bleed. You have to be obedient, so that you may be cured.

This means that you must respect the unconscious wisdom and do what your doctor tells you to, with gratitude. This is how you will get rid of your depression and acquire total consciousness. This is how you will successfully solve all problems and attain all your goals.

Obedience is a virtue based on humbleness because you have to recognize that you are inferior and you must obey someone else, who is superior. You'll be humble if you'll remember the truth. The truth is that you are an under-developed primate who inherited a huge wild conscience into the biggest part of your brain. Only for this reason, you must admit that you are an inferior creature and you need guidance. However, there is more.

You also possess a tiny human conscience, which is one-sided and tends to become neurotic with time and with the various deceptions of life. This happens because your conscience is constantly attacked and influenced by your anti-conscience, your primitive conscience that didn't evolve like your human side. So, your own judgment cannot be trusted.

You are also ignorant. The knowledge you have is based on your personal experiences, and limited by your historical time.

Therefore, your humbleness is in fact an obvious attitude. You must follow the wise guidance you have in the dream messages in order to do what will help you find peace and self-confidence. If you'll keep making mistakes, you will obviously suffer due to their consequences. You must stop doing what causes problems to your life, even if you don't think that what you are doing is 'so bad'. The unconscious mind knows a lot more than you do.

Besides this fact, the mindset of the modern civilization is absurd. Many of the things that the world population considers inoffensive are in fact very dangerous. You should not trust the ideas of the cruel world.

If you'll obey the unconscious guidance in dreams, you'll surely get out of the tragic situation you are in, you'll stop feeling depressed, and everything will change in your life. Your mental stability and your happiness are connected. Whey you'll learn how to be wise, your life will be perfect.

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