Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Put This Adaptogen on Your List of the Best Herbal Supplements for Depression

Problems are an unavoidable fact of life. Stress is what we experience when we deal with those problems. It is how our body responds, be it in an emotional, mental or physical sense.

Stressful life situations can increase our risk of depression. We all feel depressed at sometime in our lives. The death of a loved one, loss of a job, or other major change can make us feel down, but after a while, we start feeling happy again. This is a normal response to stress.

We all have different capabilities to cope with stress. Sometimes, prolonged stress from whatever cause, can weaken our immune system. We may have feelings of nervousness and irritability, have trouble sleeping and experience a more persistent type of depression.

There are different nutrients and herbs that can help us adapt to stress better and minimize its effects on the body. One of the best herbal supplements for depression is an adaptogenic herb. Siberian ginseng can improve immune system function and help balance other bodily systems.

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), is a respected medicinal herb native to Eastern Russia, Korea, Japan and China. It is not really true ginseng but contains similar chemicals and has similar effects. For this reason, it is grouped with the other two varieties, Chinese or Korean (Panax ginseng) and American (Panax quinquefolius).

Its active components, called eleutherosides, are concentrated in the root. Ginseng was called "man root" by the ancient Chinese because the shape of the roots resemble the form of the human body.

In Russia, it has been used for centuries to combat the effects of harsh winters, and today is used by Russian cosmonauts and athletes to increase resistance to stress in general. An improvement in athletic performance has been demonstrated in clinical studies.

Siberian ginseng is considered an adaptogen (tonic) herb with the following properties:




It helps maintain the health of the adrenal glands. Studies have shown that it stimulates the immune system, increasing the body's ability to resist illness due to stress.

Studies have also shown that it may act as an MAO inhibitor, giving an increased sense of well-being to people with depression. MAO inhibitors are a type of prescription antidepressant that, because of serious side effects, are not frequently used today. They work by inhibiting an enzyme in brain cells that breakdown various neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals involved in nerve cell communication and control our moods.

Siberian ginseng may also improve memory and alertness, aid in stabilizing blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and improve liver function.

Being an adaptogen or tonic herb, ginseng works slowly, taking one to two months to achieve its beneficial effect.

In healthy adults, ginseng is relatively safe when taken in recommended amounts. There have been reports of ginseng causing insomnia, sore breasts, allergy symptoms, asthma attacks, elevated blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances. It should not be used by pregnant or nursing women.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration includes ginseng in its list of herbs generally regarded as safe.

Germany's Commission E lists ginseng "as a tonic to combat feelings of lassitude and debility, lack of energy and ability to concentrate, and during convalescence."

Consumers are urged to be careful when choosing ginseng products. The quality of products varies greatly and should be purchased from a reputable manufacturer. Because ginseng is expensive, some products may really only contain a small amount of the herb making them pretty much useless.

Controlling how the body responds to stress is an important factor in treating mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Over time, adaptogen herbs can be beneficial in helping us cope with stress and its effects. They are often found in stress formulas along with other beneficial nutrients.

It is best to consult your healthcare provider before taking siberian ginseng or any other natural supplement.

Read more about herbs for stress.

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