Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beating Depression

This is obviously all dependent on the advice of a professional. When you go see a professional regarding depression then try and understand what is happening to you. Remember that a doctor or psychiatrist see hundreds of patients a year and come across these symptoms a lot. They know how to treat it.

That does not mean though that everyone should opt for medication or psychiatry. Depression symptoms vary greatly and in many cases it is possible to overcome depression through self help for depression techniques.

Now the purpose of this article is not to give self help tips. For that you can go have a look at my site. But I can say this. That big monster can be easier overcome than most think.

It all starts with that will inside to change. Everyone can change but not everyone has the will to change. This is where good friendship also plays a role. A good friend can and should keep you accountable to change.

Whatever circumstances trigger that depression to kick in should be avoided in the beginning of the self help process. Later those same situations should be faced and overcome.

Don't ever underestimate the power of the will. Our will is one of the strongest elements of our soul. A man or a woman that wills 'whatever' will accomplish that 'whatever'. The will of man have conquered nations. How much more can the will of man not also conquer depression.

Self help for depression techniques teaches you how to overcome depression in your own time and in your own way. It teaches you not only how to become free but also how to stay free. That is very important. Many people today get temporarily relief from depression but not many of those actually stay free from depression.

Depression can be defeated once and for all. It is possible to stay free. You must just know how.

Do not allow this disease to steal your life. Claim your life back. It is your life. You have been created to live life to the fullest. You have been created to experience joy, inner peace and enduring love. Depression wants to steal all that. Do not allow it to steal from you any longer.

Research self help for depression techniques and get to work with techniques that has proven itself to be trustworthy. Your life is counted as great worth and your purpose in this world must be fulfilled in order for this world to be a richer place.

How I Beat Depression

I am going to get straight to the point. If you have sought out this information then there is a distinct possibility that like I once was you can't smile, you are exhausted from lack of sleep, you are at your wit's end, staring into an infinite void of nothingness and a big Black Dog is biting you backside. You think life will never be the same again. That there is no chance you will smile again, and no end to your despair. You will never beat depression. You are in a hole and can't get out.


To beat depression you must tame the Black Dog. He is lurking while your mind races, blaming you for everything that's wrong in your life. Small insignificant detail sets you off on a terror trip, STOMACH churning, you are short tempered, and weepy. You want to die that's how you are. You feel as if there is no help. STOP right now. There is help there is a way out, try the following as soon as.

Go to a room or bedroom where you will not be disturbed. (This is very important) Make sure you are wearing loose fitting clothes or bed wear.

Now lie on your back make sure that you are comfortable and warm. If lying on you back is difficult for you, adopt a position that is comfortable. Begin by taking deeper than normal breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Start to become aware of your breath. Where does it impact most on your body? Is it in your stomach as it rises and falls, maybe in your nostrils or throat? Pick one place as this will be your point of reference.

Lie still for a minute concentrating on your breath. You will notice how your mind starts to wander, straight into the library of self-criticism and blame. This is perfectly normal, very gently bring you mind back to your point of reference. (I have called this the mind's parking space). Initially you will find this is hard to do but it will become increasing easy the more you practise. Tell yourself that you are NOT TO BLAME for everything wrong in your life.

Now tense and release you right leg. Starting at your toes concentrate on every part of the foot, try and relax the foot totally, feeling it sinking into the bed, ankle, lower leg, calf muscle, knee and thigh are treated in the same manner. Then switch to the right leg and follow the same routine. Be aware when the mind starts to wander and bring it back to the area it is supposed to be concentrating on. In your mind try and look through the skin to what lies beneath. Extend the focus to the pelvic area, relaxing all of that right all the way up to the ribs, then lower back, chest and upper back. Next both hands and arms together. Try to identify what sensations you feel in each area, it may be tingling, itchy, warm or cold whatever. Relax your shoulders, neck face and head. A lot of tension builds up in these areas during the day. Take your time with this. Try and stay in this relaxed state for as long as possible, there is no right or wrong in this procedure.

Now you are not supposed to fall asleep. I found that if it was just before bedtime or early in the day it was ok to fall asleep.

When you stay awake, on completion you will find that you are totally refreshed. This is a VERY POWERFUL healing technique; unbelievably it has great body and mind healing properties and is the first step taken to beat depression.

Now I am a down to earth kind of guy who never believed in anything out of the ordinary, so to think that one day I would be practising meditation, would have been totally alien to me, but I am doing it. This does take practice and it is not detrimental if you do not succeed at first, just relax and try another time.

So you should now be more relaxed and refreshed. The concentration on the breath, you started off with can be practised whether you are lying down, sitting, walking or whatever you are doing, use it to PARK your mind as and when required. The combination of meditation and relaxation will make you feel better the very next day.

If you are consuming too much alcohol cut it right back start drinking more water.

Now there is one main theme playing continually on you mind, it comes from somewhere in the past you know what it is, nobody else does, unless you have told them, which can be very good thing to do. Bring it to the surface, address it and try to resolve it. Seek help, if it cannot be resolved put it in a compartment in your mind and lock the door. This is the next step in beating depression.

You must now grasp the following idea and believe in it 100% and adopt it. The PAST IS DEAD it cannot be changed and it cannot hurt you. The future has not happened yet and may never occur. You must live in the present for the actual moment. The sooner you accept this the sooner you will start to get better.

Remember this PEACE can exist only in the present moment.

How often have you heard it said that as soon as this or that is finished I will be able to live in peace? You will never have peace thinking like that. If you really want to be at peace, you must be at peace right now. Live for this moment and beat depression.

Every day take some form of exercise walking, swimming, or golf, whatever but do it. We all know about the chemical imbalance story so I won't bore you. If you don't there is plenty about it on the net.
Diet is also important try and loses weight if you need to. Giving UP ALCOHOL should help this will happen as a matter of course. Eat more fruit and veg and drink plenty of water. This is vital, you should drink around 2 litres of water in small quantities per day.

This is REALLY IMPORTANT take an omega 3 supplement, it must be HIGH GRADE. This is a great mood lifter and very good for you generally.

If possible get your family and close friends involved. Explain to them that you are ill ask for their support and to cut you a little slack, ask them not to disturb your meditation and make less noise around you. Ask for their understanding. Force yourself to complete at least a couple of worthwhile tasks per day, the satisfaction achieved will be well worth it.

Try and do a good deed or kindness to someone every day, this will give you a sense of worth, very important.

Purchase some relaxation CDs, I find Body and Soul and panpipes suits me just fine, but we all have our own tastes. Play it when you feel stressed out. Take them to work and play then at rest periods.
If you are driving and become stressed out or agitated, stop and park up, do not meditate whilst driving for obvious reasons.

Now if you follow my advice give up the booze/drugs. Practice the meditation you will start to improve overnight. You have been in hell now it's time to leave. Make sure you set aside time for yourself each day you deserve it. Please remember you are not to blame you are ILL. You now have some tools to give you relief.

I found that the first time I actually smiled and laughed like I used to my improvement was rapid. Outside was a nice place again, the triggers that used to set me off had started to vanished, life was good again I was on the way to beating depression.

You are going to hit a brick wall now and again, go back to the start, each time, it becomes easier DO not give up I have done it so can you.

Remember people who have not experienced the hell we have, do not understand what depression is like, even though they say they do. Professionals tell us they see it day in day out. There loads of books out there whose authors have not got a Scooby Doo. Books full of facts, figures, dates, important people, medical jargon, unless they have suffered this disease they do not fully understand how sufferers feel.

When you are getting better only take alcohol in small amounts, continue you meditation, and relaxation. Keep taking Omega 3 Fish oil supplement; help someone else to BEAT DEPRESSION.

Please believe the way out is through self-help, follow what I have told you. It is not easy it takes effort, sometimes you will think this is load of tosh, I am getting nowhere. You are getting somewhere you are starting to beat depression. One day things start to change, you feel a little better and so it continues a little bit at a time. You will not waken up one day and everything will be fine, it is a progressive process.

Keep practising meditation and relaxation. It is a good discipline to follow for the rest of your life.


I hope you start to improve soon. Good Luck on your journey.

Let me know of your progress.

Recognizing the Basic Symptoms of Depression

Depression symptoms are often overlooked. It can be highly detrimental to your physical and mental health to ignore these signs. Depression can often be dealt with if you know what you are looking for. There are treatment options such as therapy and even medications that can help to take the edge off. If you suspect that you, a friend or a loved one is suffering from depression, these are the depression symptoms to look for.

The first of the symptoms is extreme sadness or excessive crying. A person suffering from this symptom will often state that they do not know why they are upset or crying. They may even feel overwhelmed and that everything is going wrong. It may even seem to someone on the outside that they are unnecessarily upset or that they are making a big deal out of nothing at all. It is very important to not dismiss their feelings or to tell them that they are being silly because this can make the depression symptoms even worse.

People who are suffering from depression symptoms may also lose interest in things that they once loved to do. This change may be as drastic as a cheerleader who no longer loves the sport all of the sudden or as subtle as a person who once loved to read not even wanting to do that anymore. The common misconception in this area is that the once loved activity may be a group activity. In fact this symptom can also include activities that are performed alone.

Change in appetite and weight are also very common depression symptoms. These symptoms can be displayed in different ways. A person suffering from these depression symptoms can either go through excessive eating and weight gain or can go the other way with loss of appetite and losing a lot of weight. These depression symptoms in particular are very important to deal with because they can lead to very dangerous eating disorders such as bulimia, bingeing and purging as well as anorexia.

Sleeping problems are another form of depression symptoms. A depressed person may be sleeping excessively or not enough. It may feel like you just cannot get enough sleep no matter how much you sleep. It is not uncommon for a depressed person to sleep for what seems like days at a time in stretches of 12 hours or even more. Lack of sleep is also a symptom of depression. You may find it hard to sleep and may even stay awake for days despite the trying to sleep. Sleep patterns may be broken and restless leading to fatigue and irritability.

If you are feeling any of these depression symptoms talk to a friend, loved one or seek professional help. Symptoms of depression are often experienced in different combinations. The above afflictions are just a few of the symptoms of depression. Depression is a disease and there are treatments. There is no reason to feel ashamed to admit that you may need help.

Containing the Messiness of Life

When our problems get to number more than three or four we get a strong inclination to walk out the door; most of us. And whether it's physically departing or unconsciously disconnecting matters little. Too much messiness is difficult to contain.

But the skilled of all people, despite their messed up minds and lives, manage to somehow contain the overwhelming impossible. They don't do this through endurance, but through honest acceptance. They know life is messed up at times, just as life seems surreally clean at others.


It may be politically incorrect to use the ticking bomb analogy, but each of our lives might resemble something that might 'go off' at an appointed time. The humbling thing is we often cannot tell when; it ticks and ticks and ticks... then boom!

We may have planned a holiday or vacation, some lovely time off, but reality bites soon enough; soon we're back into the filthy fray, within the heated demands of a life we, at times, just want to escape from. We recognise this if we're honest. We have a happy day, thinking that life has never been more wonderful, and the very next day, WHACK, and we wonder what's hit us. Maybe rather than a ticking bomb we've walked over a landmine. Times like these the previous day's happiness appears overrated, indeed.


If only, within the broad expanse of life, we could satisfy our foolishness to never get ahead of ourselves; to rein in our expectations that seem to float and waft via our imaginations. But if we're not capable of happiness and sadness, or celebration and disappointment it makes for a pretty boring life - not that we want much (or any) of the sadness and disappointment.

Containing the messiness within our lives appreciates the value of reasonable expectations, understanding that a perfect life, without messes, is unrealistic.

An approach toward those ends doesn't get much simpler than a one-day-at-a-time outlook. But this approach becomes clichd. Practically we have our contentedness for the moment, but the emotional status quo is bound to waver, ebb and flow.

Beyond a melancholy resignation we can accept the good with the not-so-good, but only if we can honestly accept it. And sometimes we cannot. Sometimes it's too much. Nobody is perfect.


Sometimes life is a downward spiral, and this can't always be explained. Messiness beyond our comprehension overwhelms, but not if we hold the moment in accepting we're overwhelmed. There's nothing wrong with being overwhelmed. Sometimes life's like that.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Depression In Epilepsy - 6 Tips to Heal Your Brain

As if seizures were not bad enough, there is a high number of epileptics that also suffer from depression. This becomes a problem for a multitude of reasons, from medication compliance to maintaining a positive outlook with an internal locus of control (yes--those who believe that they have control over their seizures have better overall seizure control and a high quality of life).

To understand these brain conditions better, a brief overview of the way brain cells communicate is important.

In order for the brain to function, the brain cell needs to be able to pass a message from one cell to another. The problem is that neurons do not directly connect to one another. Instead, they are separated by an opening called the synaptic cleft. In order for a message to pass from one neuron to another, the message must be "tossed" across this synaptic cleft.

Neurotransmitters are the "container" that carries the message across the cleft. There are many neurotransmitters with names like serotonin, GABA, glutamate, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and PEA, just to name a few. You may notice these neurotransmitters because the drugs used to treat both epilepsy and depression try to control these pathways.

I envision the entire process like a miniature "pop a shot" game. The one with the small basketball that you have to throw through the hoop as many times as possible before the timer runs out. The basketball is the neurotransmitter. Every time it goes through the hoop, the "message" has made it from one neuron to the next. Give yourself more balls to throw and you have a better chance of getting this message across. This is how drugs like Prozac work-by keeping the basketball (in this case the neurotransmitter serotonin) in play longer by keeping it in the synaptic cleft for a longer period of time.

Prozac does not, however, increase the number of balls available, it just keeps them in the cleft longer. Natural compounds like 5-HTP can work by giving the neuron more serotonin to work with, again increasing the number of basketballs and increasing the likelihood that the message will get passed on.

Many clinicians view depression and epilepsy as two different problems. I take a much different viewpoint. There is much evidence to suggest that depression and seizures are two divergent outcomes from the same basic problem with the cells of our nervous system.

Both of these conditions can result from unhealthy brain cells that do not have the energy needed to either fire or do not have enough energy to stop a brain cell from firing. Because of this, it might explain why natural approaches to help with seizures mirror those that help with depression.

The list of natural approaches that have been documented to help with both these conditions is long. Examples includes:

1) The ketogenic and elimination diets have consistently shown very good outcomes
2) Melatonin supplementation has been gaining ground as a beneficial treatment for depression and to protect the brain from the damage of migraines and seizures
3) For females, improving your menstrual cycle with lifestyle to eliminate PMS and related symptoms
4) Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has been shown to protect the brain in epileptics and migraineurs
5) Stress management

A recent article in the March 2012 issue of Epilepsy Research highlights a powerful #6.

Exercise has always been and will always remain a cornerstone of natural approaches to manage both depression and epilepsy. The benefits to the brain are many and cut across multiple mechanisms. Exercise helps to control stress, improves blood flow to the brain and promotes better sugar handling in our bodies. Poor sugar handling and prediabetic issues are very damaging to the brain, negatively effecting the ability of our brain cells to generate the energy they need to appropriate pass along the correct message to the neighboring cell.

I typically recommend burst-type aerobic activity for my patients. A brisk walk around the neighborhood for 20 minutes is not exercise. Much of the current research is finding that short bursts of aerobic activity (30 seconds) done in 4-6 sets several times per week has dramatic effects on health. This can be done with sprinting, bike riding, treadmill, elliptical, jump roping, or pretty much any other activity you can think of can be done in a 30 second burst as fast as you can handle.

Regardless of how well your depression and seizures are or are not controlled by the medications prescribed by a psychiatrist or neurologist, adding exercise will improve your condition and do more for the long term protection of your brain than anything a physician can offer.

Read the Epilepsy Research article here

Suicide - A Disillusioned Expression of Freedom

We all have moments of feeling low and desperate, surrounded by darkness with no way out. For most of us it is just a passing emotion or stage in life that once is passed, makes us stronger, but unfortunately for some it's the ultimate solution. Sometimes suicide is just an unfortunate moment of desperation, when there was no-one around to help and stop it. Sometimes it is a planned action, with careful preparation. Whatever the scenario is, it leaves those around, with the question WHY?

Families and closed ones often struggle afterwards with the question how they could prevent it. Quite often sadly even the symptoms are missed and totally unnoticed.

Rather complex issue is the assisted suicide. It's hard to judge how we would act being in endless pain, or seeing our loved ones in unbearable suffering. Suicide definitely touches both: physical and mental aspects of human life.

The Oxford Dictionary definition of 'suicide' is 'the action of killing oneself intentionally'. So it's not the accident. It is planned. It is wanted. That once again brings the question 'Why'.

There is increasing popularity of suicidal forums and blogs where people are looking for companions to kill themselves. It is a shocking discovery to find that the Google keywords relating to the word 'suicide' show that the terms like 'suicidal', 'suicides', 'why suicide', 'how to suicide',' suicide methods', 'commit suicide' 'suicidal thoughts' bring a multimillion, or at least thousands of worldwide searches every month, while the keywords like 'suicide help', 'suicide solution', 'suicide project' bring only below 1000 or a hundred...

From the religious point of view, taking your own life away is conflicting with the God's plan and power. He is a giver of life and he should decide when someone's life ends. Even when taking the religious aspect away, it is still hard to deny that our life belongs to us, but it was not our decision to create it. So many parents left in pain, asking why their children decided to take their own life away, having so many brilliant opportunities ahead of them. On the other hand there are children left with no parents. What is' the phenomenon' of the suicide...Is it an act of cowardliness or a total desperation when the life seems just too much. What could be the solution? Maybe media should focus more on suicides prevention, instead of getting overexcited when it happens and splashing the stories on the front pages. Maybe Education system should come up with some programmes and strategies teaching what to do when you feel suicidal. Every life saved, is so worth it.

According to Sartre, suicide was the highest exhibition of human freedom. We are so free and powerful that we can take our own life away. At his time, some people representing Bohemia used to party and then kill themselves to show their ultimate freedom. Was it really a freedom? And what for to express it like that? Are there any other ways? - Of course there are- More positive ones, without leaving others in pain.

It is not a pathetic statement that every one of us has someone who cares, who if they knew, would go extra mile to stop this definite and irreversible act. That includes those on the other side of the suicide helpline phones who sacrifice their own time and do not take any money. Some of them are:

USA - Tel. 0808 802 5858, 1-800-784-2433

UK- Tel. 08457 90 90 90, 0800 068 4141

Australia - Tel. 13 11 14, 1800 18 SANE (7263), 1300 78 99 78

Whoever feels suicidal should at least give it a chance, and give the chance themselves. That would be an ultimate freedom and love to one selves, if we would give us a chance before doing something that we can't even regret, as we might not to be there to do that. Truly pointless...Hope never dies.

Depression Medication: Find Out How A Healthy Lifestyle Helps

Depression is a condition that is not that incredibly widespread. However, research have recently shown that over 19 million people in the United States alone suffer from its unrelenting grasp. Thousands more are being affected by this disorder each and every day. This article will give you some tips for depression medication to help you break out of that funk completely.

When you find yourself stuck in a rut, it helps to go outside and do something which you've never experienced before. The psychological mindset that you are in such a situation can sometimes reinforce depressed feelings in a feedback loop: the more negative you end up feeling, the more you believe that it's your fate. By going outside and having some new experiences, it helps a person to realize the differences between what they envision and what is really out there.

Avoid binge eating if you are feeling depressed. It's a fact that such a condition can sometimes lead to an unhealthy "food debauchery", which then ends up to a worsened state of depression. It is a vicious cycle. So, if you start to eat healthy quantities of food, your mental state just might change. Sometimes, it could be very hard to make this change on your own, so if necessary seek professional help and guidance.

Depressive disorder has been linked to poor sleeping habits. You can have poor sleep not only by sleeping too little, but by sleeping too much as well. Consulting your doctor about how to regulate your sleep and get back into a good sleeping pattern can be very beneficial to your mental and physical health. If your doctor prescribes you an antidepressant, be aware that it can take up to a month for you to see the results. While that would seem like an eternity, it is worth giving the medication a try before you give up on the medicine or stop taking it.

To better deal with your condition, be sure that you eliminate any rewards you are giving yourself for bad behavior. Don't let other people coddle you or reward your depressive behavior with pity. If you are trying to deal with your melancholy by drowning your sorrows in vices, stop doing this and instead only reward yourself for positive behaviors.

When talking about depression medication, even one is too large a number to ignore. The severity of this mood disorder should never be taken lightly. So, if you're suffering from it, remember that it's in your best interest to use the effective tips you've learned here and to immediately act to overcome this disorder once and for all.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Recurring Thoughts of Depression Checklist - Are You Clinically Depressed?

Reports say that more than one in five Americans struggle with some form of depression in their lifetime.

Depression is a major issue that affects most Americans either directly or indirectly. If you feel depressed, please realize that you are not alone. Due to the high stress and pressure of living today, most people experience some level of depression during their lifetime.

To help determine if you are suffering a clinical level of depression, please review the following depression symptom checklist to see if you have experienced any of the most common issues associated early depression.

*** Depression Symptom Checklist ***

• Extended loss of energy and interest in daily activities.
• Continually diminishing ability to enjoy life.
• Decreased - or increased - sleeping or appetite.
• Difficulty in concentrating; indecisiveness;
slowed or fuzzy thinking.
• Exaggerated feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or anxiety.
• Feelings of worthlessness; recurring thoughts about death and suicide.

If you are experiencing one or more of the issues on the "Depression Symptom Checklist" and are also experiencing some of the following recurring thoughts, you will need to consult your doctor for a simple and very common evaluation.

*** Recurring Thoughts of Depression ***

- I don't know why I did it!
- I can't stop worrying even when I try.
- My life is always up and down.
- I have no energy.
- I just can't seem to get started.
- Why do I speak without thinking first?
- I need to check it out just one more time.
- It seems I have to work so hard to be happy when others don't.
- I can't believe what I've done.
- What's the point? It's not going to work out anyway.
- You mean I'm not supposed to think all the time?
- I'm not meant to be happy.
- People think I'm weird.
- It's so hard to make decisions.
- If I die, the pain will finally go away.
- But what if I make a mistake?
- I'll never forgive myself, and neither will anyone else.
- I hate myself.
- I think I have a chemical imbalance.
- Something must be wrong with me.
- I get in bad moods for no good reason.
- My mind never, ever stops!
- Things are feeling unreal and I'm afraid to tell anybody.
- I just can't seem to get things finished.
- I deserve to suffer because I've hurt so many people.
- I can't stand feeling like I'm going to die or go crazy.
- It's so hard to listen and pay attention.
- Why can't I have a happy, successful relationship?
- Why do I get myself into so much trouble?
- I feel so empty inside.

If you are experiencing any of the previous thoughts or any of the issues on the checklist on a regular basis, do not worry or panic. You are among friends. You are not crazy or hopeless, and you are not destined to be unhappy forever. You're among millions of new people each year who simply fall out of balance. Although feeling "good" again may seem like a hundred years away, that is not the case at all. You will just need to take some responsibility for your own happiness and make an a point to see your doctor to begin your journey back to feeling like yourself again:

Then, when you get in front of your doctor you simply have to say, "I think I'm depressed." Once you do that, your doctor will tell you all about how depression works and how you can overcome it as quickly as possible. You will simply be amazed at how very hopeful your future becomes just by talking to professional.

No matter if you are for or against medical treatments or psychiatrists, if you feel lost and depressed communication with a medical or counseling consultant is the best way back to feeling like yourself again.

** Epilogue: Don't feel embarrassed to say, "I think I'm depressed." Realizing you are not feeling like yourself and seeing someone about it is a very mature step. Once you do it, you will be on your way back to feeling better every day and in every way.

Are You Depressed? Brainwave Entrainment Can Help

Depression, unfortunately, touches many people in this day and age.

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

Loss of appetite or increased appetite

Inability to concentrate

Feelings of extreme sadness




Thoughts of death or suicide.

Feelings of gloom and inadequacy

Feelings of being unable to manage

Disheartened and feeling downcast


Can't sleep or sleep too much

Full of misery and despair

Your thoughts are confused and unreasonable.

You have excessive fear, panic, anxiety.

Have trouble coping with daily activities like work, family, or personal hygiene.

Have excessive anger and hostility.

Drinking or drugging too much.

Can't cope with losses like divorce and death.

Can't deal with change.

There is a huge likelihood that you are depressed. You are in a state of depression for which there usually is no apparent precipitating cause. The grief you feel when you lose a loved one to death is not depression unless is starts interfering with your life and goes on for a very long time.

Sometimes depression is caused by the lack of a feel good hormone called serotonin, that is produced from an amino acid called tryptophan. Stimulation of certain areas of the brain with specific frequencies, can re-activate the release of serotonin. Brainwave entrainment can effectively alter your dominant brainwave frequency by introducing audio and/or light repeated, rhythmic pulses to the brain. After a short period of time, the brain will mimic the stimulus and alter the brain state.

Brainwave entrainment can make new neural networks in the brain, releasing serotonin reducing the symptoms of depression. With repeated sessions, the new neural pathways with become your new normal brain status. Stimulation of these pathways will strengthen their connections and the old pathways, by way of lack of stimulation, will atrophy.

Brainwave Entrainment Can Reduce Depression By

Regulating your sleep. Lack of sleep can make you very depressed.

Helping with sensory functions such as sight, sound, taste, smell and touch, so you don't feel so numb.

Lowering of the stress hormone coritisol that depresses the body's feel good hormones.

Reducing feelings of anxiety.

Regulating appetite, taking away the power of cravings...lack of serotonin makes a person crave carbs, caffeine, sugar and booze.

Raising energy levels. Fatigue is a sure sign of depression.

Elevating quality of sleep, moods, and libido.

Raising serotonin levels which can lead to good health changes.

Taking away migraines and headaches.

Helping your whole brain function-helps in the process of sending and receiving messages.

Reducing obsessive-compulsive thoughts..

Reducing addiction symptoms and withdrawal.

Sometimes depression might need a chemical prescription to help alleviate the symptoms. Cognitive and behavioural therapy is always good.

Brainwave entrainment is a powerful, effective alternative method of depression control, that can work very well with other methods or alone.

You don't have to suffer anymore.

There is hope.

Overtime - One Of The Risk Factors Of Depression

Long hours have become the new normal in this faltering economy, leaving the worker (as usual) to pay the price. A recent study suggests what many people working these long hours could tell you... routinely putting in 11 hour days is one of the risk factors of depression - doubles the risk in fact - compared to those who work the more traditional eight hours each day.

Long days at work take a toll on your body, but there's also evidence of impacts within the brain as well. Overtime and depression have not been studied to any great extent so the team examined over 2,000 British workers (average age 47) who didn't have mental health issues at the start of the research in 1991.

Almost six years passed before nearly 70 incidences of serious depression were identified by mental health screenings given to the workers. Those whose working hours topped more than 11 hours a day had a two times greater risk of being diagnosed with depression compared to those who spent under eight hours at work each day.

Now there are lots of things that put you at risk for depression - genetic factors, physical or emotional issues and prolonged stress. All those hours at work give you fewer opportunities to relax and likely less sleep as well. You don't have time to exercise and your own self-care slips. The long workdays can also cause problems in close relationships with friends and family, and this itself can also bring on depression.

The most likely candidates for depression were younger women who were in the lower job grades, used alcohol in moderation and had also been diagnosed with a chronic condition. Should you be worried? Here are some warning signs to watch for:

- Trouble sleeping

- Changes in appetite

- Fatigue or loss of energy

- Feeling stressed or worthless

- Being irritable and impossible to satisfy

- Not taking pleasure in activities that usually bring you joy

- More mistakes at work

- Trouble organizing things, concentrating or making decisions

- Suicidal thoughts or acts

If you, or someone you love, has three or more of these symptoms and they last for at least two weeks, depression is most likely the cause. Recognizing you're in trouble, and in need of help is important - the first step toward getting better.

Even if you love what you do, the long hours you're on the job can still trigger a depressive episode, but it may well take longer to show up. Eventually however, researchers believe that workaholics too will show signs of depression.

It's hard to know if these results would hold for workers doing other jobs, but it certainly points out the fact that working long hours can play a part in depression. Since you usually can't cut back on working hours, here are some simple ways you might cope...

- Try to alternate periods of high stress with times of less pressure or with shorter hours.

- Listen to your favorite music as this boosts levels of dopamine, the feel good chemical in the brain.

- Don't skip vacation time or days off.

- Try a random act of kindness to your boss, co-worker, a vendor.

- Look for humor in daily goings on, circumstances beyond your control.

- Make time for sleep and don't skimp on exercise.

The research on long working hours as one of the risk factors of depression appears online.

The Best Way to Deal With Depression

As humans, we often experience unstable feeling. Sometimes, we are in a good mood. Then, we also experience a low mood if we face problems. It is normal since we always need to stay lively and to being responsive to our surroundings. A sudden change of mood is necessary to add variation in life. However, depression and elevated mood is different. Depression can be used to illustrate a range of moods that ranges from low spirits to a severe problem which obstructs with normal life. So, the depression starts with an illness which affects the normal living style. Then, the normal experience ends.

Not all people can deal with depression. They do not have the same capabilities to handle or bear the emotional feelings and difficulties of life in the similar way. Some problems that can make people very depressed are family problems, marital difficulties, job failure, study break and so forth. Those lead various physical and mental illness even sometimes committed to suicide. Although depressive illness can attack male, female, children, old men, and old women, some studies have shown that women develop depression more the men.

We can find many ways to relieve the depression. For example, we can come to doctors or treatment centers, and take medicines for depressive illness. For some people, consulting doctors or taking medicines can be the best treatment. However, we can also try another treatment. That is self help for depression. For women, it is probably the best help for depression treatment. Additionally, some people do not take the consultation with a doctor because of financial reasons.

In fact, not all women have the same way to handle the depression. These are some useful tips for the women to handle the depression. However, it is true that all self help tips may not work for you. Only some of them are appropriate because different person deal with depressive disorder differently. If you really do the right tips, they can bring excellent results.

First, some people enjoy loneliness. It can make you isolated from others even from your nearest person. However, you can share your feelings with persons who can come out of feeling, such as your husband, your family and friends. You can also try to do some activities that are beyond your capability and can give you satisfaction.

Second, you may also find any interest to remove your boredom, such as watching movie, listening music or participating in gossiping and any type of activities which you like to do. Also, you can practice dancing. Besides for exercise, it can fill your feeling with cheerfulness. Gardening can also bring you pleasant feeling. It is most common hobby of women.

Third, if you feel being neglected from others and become irritate with that surrounding, you should try to spend time among neutral strangers. They can give you another way of thinking. For sure, you can come up of with others.

Fourth, for the depressed mother with many problems in raising children, you can seek help from your partner or husband.

Fifth, depression can also come to pregnant women. They need some extra care. If you are pregnant women, you should make understands your family members that how much you deserve their care and love.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Times When We're NOT Okay

How often are we misrepresented? To be remembered a certain way, as being categorically 'us', is a transgression against many of us - but those who'd remember us incorrectly ought to be forgiven for not knowing.

The truth is, whilst we are, at any given time, in our bodies, we may be, at any time, out of our comparative minds, broken-hearted, or dispirited. This is an incomprehensible lack, the likes of which we have no answer for.

And just as well, for if even one had the answer where would that leave the rest of us, backwashed against the harrowing business of living vanquished of desire. Not only would that be unacceptable, but reprehensible to boot.

Fortunately the human condition is home to lack; times, fleeting and lasting, in which we're not okay. But... it should also be said...


Despite the pain involved, the state of depression, though ghastly to the extremes, is a fundamentally acceptable condition for anyone in the position of being human. It proves us normal, thinking, feeling, responding persons.

This is not about saying depression or depressive episodes should be left as they are. By no means!

But there's a point at which we accept depression is normal, as part of the human experience. It touches far too many to not be. Not only are depression and depressive episodes to be destigmatised, but they're to be accepted, indeed welcomed, in the folklore of phenomena - life happens and we cope the best way we can. Sometimes it's enough; sometimes it's not. In all of it we're learning.

Is it our fault one of an unlimited number of painful things has occurred to us? No, it could never truly be. Could it just be that Jesus, in John 16:33 and other such verses, is giving us a spiritual ally in the cases of depression? Here Jesus reminds us that he has overcome the world; that faith in his name is sometimes the only way through.


The halcyon state is pure 'being'. What a hard thing to describe and how much harder, again, to experience.

But being encapsulates whatever 'is' about us, just now, and it faithfully accepts a safe place within itself, beyond estranging fear - even though stimuli for such fear is experientially present. The fear doesn't affect us so much. Oh, this is a salubrious thought - and to stay here, bliss! Nothing can overwhelm us.

So, where is this going in the context of feeling not okay?

Sometimes the experience of pain feels good, beyond a sadistic delight - only when we know the pain's good for us. Stretching a tired muscle can be painful, but that pain reminds us that we're doing a good thing for the muscle.

Likewise, when we feel to the outer edges of our being, even when we're depressed, we know that by tapping into our real issues, the future will go well, eventually, for us. Good is being made out of the present challenges.


Given the commonality of depressive episodes, could it just be that such pain will work, eventually, for our good? There's a purpose beyond all such mental ills. Just now, though, we invest whatever energy we have in just being real. God will do the rest.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Written under a bridge.

How to Quickly Overcome Depression

Does the sound of a bell make you salivate? It would have if you were Pavlov's dog. Ivan Pavlov, the world renowned psychologist conducted a break through study on human behavior where he simply rang a bell and fed a dog some food.

He did this over and over again and then one day suddenly rang the bell but didn't present the poor pup with any food. What did the dog do when he heard the ringing bell? He salivated.

Why? Because he was conditioned too. It's a response he had that he wasn't aware of or had any control over. You see, habits and behaviors can simply go on auto-pilot. It's the way we're designed. If you see someone at work who you have never gotten along with your pleasant day just might be ruined. It's hard to fight this stimulus-response behavior because repeated behavior actually effects the human brain at the neurological level. In other words, a well formed habit has actually changed the circuitry of the brain!

Ironically - we can use this auto-pilot behavior to help us to snap out of a bad mood. Because one of the things we're conditioned to do (no matter what) is provide answers to questions. Even when we lie about the answer a part of our brain is answering that question honestly.

Perhaps the most effective way to change this stimulus response is through hypnosis and brain wave entrainment however with this article we're simply going to focus on the power of questions. You can use the power of questions to improve our moods. If it sounds unbelievable then use yourself as a guinea pig after reading this article.

The next time you're in a bad mood ask yourself a series of questions - be firm with yourself when you do this. You don't have to do it out (although if you're in a private place this will help). I'll give you a few examples - your date shows up late for dinner and your feelings are hurt. Just ask yourself a series of questions:

"What else could this mean?"

"How does this experience benefit me?"

"What will I do differently next time?"

"Will this matter to me next week? Or next month?"

"Can I let someone else control my emotions so easily?"

"Who is ultimately responsible for my happiness?"

In my own experience the first question listed is by far the most powerful. I repeat "What else could this mean?" during difficult situations and if I do it forcefully enough my brain starts putting out answers that help to lift my mood.

How can this change our mood and what does this have to do with the story about Pavlov's Dog? We are conditioned through stimulus-response to answer these questions. No matter how hard you try - your brain will answer them!

The next thing we can do to get our mood back is to look at our posture and our own body language. Take a long look in the mirror and grin from ear to ear for at least 5 minutes, with your feet firmly planted, your back arched and your face tilted upwards to the sky. Our bodies are conditioned to release endorphins & serotonin into our system when we adopt this posture!

Coping With Stress, Depression, And Anxiety!

Stress, Depression, and Anxiety: Put It in Its Proper Perspective!

Do you sometimes think there is nothing you can do about your stress, depression and anxiety levels? You have too many bills to pay, too many responsibilities to meet, and simply just too much to accomplish in a day.

You can say that again!!

The other day I had just finished paying the monthly bills (a necessary chore I simply hate to do), I was late for my Yoga class and driving faster than I should. In order to save time, I passed on the shoulder of the road. Only for a short distance... after all, that pick-up truck ahead of me was doing the same thing!

Lo and behold, wouldn't you know it, the police stopped me. Just my luck... the cop didn't understand my pleading, I was late for class, I was a poor retired teacher, it was my first time... they were all true! To make matters worse, the pick-up truck got away.

That did not alleviate the ticket I received and it did not alleviate the stress, depression and anxiety it created. It seems like sometimes you just cannot do anything to control your these level.

Well actually, you have more control than you think you have!

The simple thought that you have control of your life is the essence of stress management. This includes learning and practicing relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or tai-chi and exercising. Your body can fight stress, depression and anxiety better when it is fit and you have control over your life. Of course that's always a good thing!

You probably agree, that in order to manage stress, depression, and anxiety you yourself must take charge of your life. You must control your thoughts, your emotions, your environment, and your activities (even if it is driving your car on the shoulder of the road).

You are the only one responsible for controlling the way of dealing with all of these things. In essence, you are responsible for balancing your life toward productivity.

Balancing Your Life

Think how you must balance your life to meet the demands you have: for work, for relationships, for relaxation and for play? Then you must develop the strength to hold up under the challenges of life and the pressures of stress, depression, and anxiety.

On top of it all, you must use management to recognize when the Stress, Depression and Anxiety come into your life and what is causing it. This is not as simple as it may seem!

• Is the cause and is it constantly hitting you in the face?
• Is it constantly producing undesirable thoughts, feelings, and actions that are stressing you out?
• Is it constantly worrying you or causing you conflicts?
• Is it the excuses, habits and attitude you use that helps to identify your various causes?

There are some other important questions you must ask yourself:

• How do you explain these problems? Is it temporary? Is it simple? Is it unexplainable?
• How do you define your situation? Anxiety? Is it part of you work? Is it part of your family? Is it part of your behavior?
• To what do you attribute to you life style? Do other people cause it? Is it caused by outside events? Is it normal and acceptable?

If you recognize and accept the responsibility for your stress, depression, and anxiety, that's the first step and maybe the most important. This begins to control and possibly eliminate your situations! Remember: Particular Thinking Leads To Particular Feelings! As do all others too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Identify The Hidden Links Of Depression

Depression is a complex disorder. About 30 million Americans have had at least one incidence of serious depression in their life time.

Depression can be associated with traumatic events in your life, such as loss of a loved one, stress and hormonal changes, infections, specific medicines, or drug/alcohol abuse. Recent researches have shed new lights on different causes of depression.

Depression Is Linked With Inflammation.

Anyone who has suffered a viral or bacterial infection understands what it means to feel sick. Sickness brings on fever and nausea, lack of appetite and loss of interest in physical and social surroundings. Sick people tire easily, and have deprived sleep. Additionally, they feel sad and irritable; agonize from shortened attention span and temporary memory loss.

Just as terror is normal in the face of a predator, sickness is a normal response to infection prompted by factors named inflammatory cytokines/markers created by body's immune and inflammatory cells.

There is a growing evidence to suggest that inflammation is associated with depression. Here is some of the evidence:

--Increased levels of inflammatory cytokines can stimulate depressive behavior.

--Inflammatory cytokines can enter the brain and alter the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

--Amounts of inflammatory cytokines are much higher in people facing stress, anguish, sadness, and other difficult emotions.

--Higher levels of inflammatory markers preceded the beginning of depressed mood in a senior population with no psychiatric history.

--Depression is frequently connected with a variety of factors (e.g., psychosocial stress, medical illness, obesity, poor diet, diminished sleep, social isolation) that are known to result in an increase in inflammatory markers.

--Depression is a recognized complication of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

--Depression shares similarities with 'sickness behavior', a normal response to infection or inflammation.

--In cancer and hepatitis C patients receiving immunotherapy, depression appeared in up to 50% of patients.

--Neurochemical findings in autopsy studies suggest an inflammatory component to depression.

--Medications with an effect on the immune system can affect mood.

Inflammatory Cytokines Play An Essential Role In Depression

Researchers do not know why inflammatory cytokine levels are higher in depressed and anxious people. They speculate that psychological stress can change blood pressure and heart rate. These stress-related changes can lead to the production of cell signaling molecules that stimulate cytokine production. Other source of elevated inflammatory cytokines include smoking, fat-rich diet, and being overweight.

Numerous scientific observations implicate inflammatory cytokines have a key role in depression. Inflammation may trigger, aggravate, and extend depression through:

--Hyper-responsiveness to acute stress

--Weakened immune system

--Neuronal damage and neuron death

--Impaired neuron revival

--Enhanced neuronal toxic end products

Links Connecting Depression And Inflammatory Diseases

Accumulating studies have shown compelling relationships among depression and well-known inflammatory or autoimmune diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Therefore, it is important to realize inflammation as a common factor that may cause multiple health issues.

Depression is a recognized risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, as well as an independent predictor of poor prognosis following a heart attack. For example, patients with heart disease are three times more susceptible depression than the general population.

Stress could be a hidden trigger that causes the development of both depression and heart disease. Stress can precipitate depression by activating the nervous system, interrupting heart rhythm, increased tendency for clotting of the blood, and intensified inflammatory responses, all of which negatively influence the cardiovascular system.

Inflammation that impairs both the disease and the tendency towards depression is observed in diabetes and cancer. While negative emotions may not increase the risk of advancing diabetes or cancer, they could intensify these illnesses.

There is evidence that once you have cancer, psychological stress and depression can worsen the cancer through increased levels of inflammatory cytokines. Research proves that inflammatory cytokines can cause resistance to chemotherapy, accelerating the conversion of tumor cells into full-blown cancer. Some cytokines appear to encourage the establishment of new blood vessels that feed tumors, the key process in tumor metastasis.

Several large studies showed the evidence that patients with COPD are at an increased risk of developing depression. Despite advances in various treatments, the death rate associated with COPD has doubled in 30 years. The existence of anxiety and depression has been linked to increased death, weakened functional status, and decreased quality of life.

Of people who suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), more than 20% have depression. Evidence also suggests depression can worsen IBS.

Links Connecting Depression And Inflammatory Skin Disorders

Depression is commonly accompanied with inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne and rosacea.

Psoriasis is a hyper-proliferative inflammatory skin disease that often appears as thick, red, flaking patches. Several studies have established that depression is a widespread challenge among psoriasis sufferers, which can modify the progress of psoriasis as well as the effectiveness of treatments.

The connection between depression and acne has long been documented, especially in teenagers. Acne increases the risk of depression and suicide attempt. Depression can also exacerbate acne.

Control Of Inflammation Represents An Innovative Approach To Relieve Depression

Evidence shows that inflammatory cytokines induce not only signs of sickness, but also true disorders in susceptible individuals and physically sick patients despite the fact that they have no previous history of mental disorders.

The findings that inflammation can actually initiate depression and various chronic disorders suggest that targeting inflammatory responses could be a novel strategy to treat depression and associated health concerns. Various studies are under way to treat symptoms of depression with anti-inflammatory drugs including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Encouraging results have been achieved by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines in psoriasis and from the treatment of COX-2 inhibitors in patients with depression.

Natural Treatments For Relief of Inflammation And Depression Symptoms

For decades, NSAIDs have been widely recommended for various aspects of flu-like symptoms or sickness-related behaviors. Unfortunately, 25% of NSAIDs users encounter severe and sometimes fatal complications such as stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. The newer NSAIDs such as selective COX-2 inhibitors (Vioxx and Celebrex) have been associated with an increased risk of severe adverse cardiovascular events including heart attack and stroke.

In this scenario, the good news is that safer approaches are available. You can control depression and anxiety without the side effects of antidepressant drugs or NSAIDs! Nutrients, anti-inflammatory herbs and herbal remedies have been demonstrated to relieve depression symptoms.

By keeping inflammation under control, anti-inflammatory remedies may:

--Improve sleep and diminish headaches and anxiety

--Help rebuild the balance of nitric oxide and prostaglandins, which contributes to the severity of depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction

--Repair the body's antioxidant defense

--Enhance the vascular healing and repair

--Reestablish vascular cell function and integrity

Millions of people go undiagnosed or untreated for depression. Without treatment, depression may remain for 6 months or longer, with increased occurrence and severity of episodes.

If you feel the pain from depression, or your symptoms of depression continue despite the treatment of anti-depressant drugs, or your anti-depressant drugs become less efficient, you may need to recognize inflammatory sources and benefit from anti-inflammatory treatment.

The Facts About Teenage Depression And How To Recognise The Symptoms

When the word "depression" is mentioned most people associate it with the adult population, a mental health disorder that older men and women suffer from. However this is not the case as the medical research and statistics now show, a growing numbers of teenagers and even younger children are now suffering from this disorder, often without their parents or guardians even knowing about it or suspecting that anything is wrong.

Here are some shocking statistics:

Around 6% of teenagers are suffering with depression, that's 6 youngsters out of every one hundred

Suicide, caused by depression is at number four in the leading causes of death among 10 - 14 year olds

Suicide, caused by depression is the third leading cause of death in teenagers and young people in the 15 - 24 year old group

Research shows that in the past three decades the suicide rate by teenagers has risen by over 300%. A survey of High School students revealed that almost 60% of them had thought about harming or killing themselves and that just under 10% had actually attempted suicide because of feeling so depressed.

While it is normal for a teenager to have "down" days and that nobody feels on top of the world all the time there are some signs to look out for which may signify a more serious condition. If you recognise some of the following signs or symptoms on a daily basis over a prolonged period of time then it should be taken seriously and the help of your family doctor should be sought.

Lethargy - always weary with no energy


Overeating or not eating regular meals

Feeling dejected

Withdrawing from friends or family


Inactivity - when they were always an active person in sport and other out of school activities

Constant worry

There are various treatments for depression in teenagers and younger children. Your doctor will be the best person to decide on the correct course of treatment or he/she may refer you to a specialist in the care of teenagers with depressive disorders. You may be offered therapy in the form of counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy or an anti-depressant medication, quite often a combination of both therapy and medication is used. It is important to catch this disorder as early as possible as the sooner treatment commences the better chance of a full recovery, in severe cases of clinical depression medication may need to be taken on a long term basis.

© Andrew Tudor Jones

Know More About Natural Remedies For Depression

There are many natural remedies for depression that have worked for many people. However, this does not imply that medical approaches of treating depression are not important. They also work in some people. In life, there are times when one feels like not talking to any one. Time when they want to be alone. At such times, even advising someone to see a doctor may not be easy. This is when natural remedies become very important.

Known Natural Remedies For Depression

Among the most common means of treating depression that have worked with some people include the following;


Popular psychological means of treating depression include;

Considering the cause of depression: There are times when depression is just a symptom of a circumstantial thing in life. It does not necessarily have to be a result of biochemical imbalances. For instance, you can cure depression by being honest with yourself. If you are faced with a situation that presents a decision that is not easy to make, accept it. Consider your condition carefully because it could be the reason you are depressed. You could be sexually restless, your marriage may not be working and you have to end it. You may also be feeling disconnected spiritually. The best way to treat your depression naturally is by getting to the root of your problem.


Yoga is also a good way of treating depression naturally. Yoga leads to stimulation of the Vegas nerve. This alter moods in a positive manner. Meditation which is the main aspect of yoga helps in altering consciousness. As a result, it helps in relaxing the mind. This is very helpful in depression. In addition, yoga involves breathing techniques, postures, and relaxation. Other relaxation practices and approaches such as music therapy and guided imagery gives relaxation to the mind and body and eventually treating depression.

Physical Therapies

There are physical practices that can be used to cure depression naturally. They include;

Moving the body:

Exercising is very important. This is because it helps in releasing endorphins that create happiness in the body. These endorphins acts naturally like anti-depressants. Different types of body movements or exercises can help in reducing stress. They help in relaxing the body, mind and eventually reducing depression symptoms. Exercising also increases flexibility, energy and balance. This ensures a healthy body and mind in a safe, easy and effective way.


Massage helps in relaxing the body through a special touch. Your body and mind are interconnected in a special way. Touch therapies are based on this premises. As such, massage help in promoting both physical and emotional health. Naturally, massage cures depression because when the body is relaxed through touch therapy, the mind relaxes as well. This ensures that your mind ensures better health reduced depression and better overall well being.

Yoga may also be classified in this category because it involve physical body movements.

Biological Treatments

Natural treatments for depression that works biologically include;

Avoiding to skip a meal.

When you keep your blood stable, you help in ensuring stable mood swings. This can only be possible if you avoid skipping meals.

Eat a diet that enhance serotonin:

Many medical anti-depressants such as Prozac works by inhibiting serotonin re uptake by brain receptors. This in return increases the levels of serotonin. However, you can increase serotonin levels in your brain by consuming diets that boost its levels naturally. Some of these food include foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. These include sardines, wild salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, among others. Coconut oil is another serotonin enhancing food. Eating diet that has high amount of protein, especially protein that has high amounts of tryptophan such range turkey can also boost serotonin levels.

Avoiding caffeine is another way of treating depression naturally. Caffeine reduces the levels of serotonin

Herbal Supplements

There are various herbal supplements that are believed to treat depression. St. John's wort is one of them. It has been used by many people to cure depression. However, there are no scientific findings to prove its effectiveness. This is the findings have always been mixed. When using herbal supplements, you need to be very careful. You should only take them after consulting your doctor. Herbal supplements may react with other medicines that you could be taking resulting to dangerous consequences. Natural remedies for depression can be a good solution for any one who prefer natural therapies. They are effective and they do not involve use of ordinary medicine.

How Can You Make Depression Symptoms Better At Home?

Undergoing medical treatment is necessary in cases where depression is already at the moderate to severe stage. However while reliance to mood-altering medications along with psychotherapy is a must under the circumstances, clients can also do a lot to reduce some (if not all) symptoms of depression. There are things they can do in the comfort of their own home to make themselves feel better. Client participation is key to the success of any treatment program.

Depression Symptoms

Depression symptoms (and their severity) can vary among individuals. Common to most are the following:

Extreme sadness

Sleeping problems

Eating problems

Confusion/lack of focus

Reducing Depression Symptoms

As the aforementioned symptoms can complicate into a major mood disorder, malnutrition and anemia, taking the steps at home to reduce these symptoms is a must.

To reduce depression at home:

Drink a glass of fresh and pure orange juice. Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C, a vitamin found to be essential in the production of serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a brain chemical that affects mood. 1 to 3 grams of Vitamin C daily helps to keep serotonin levels up. Jump start your mornings with a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.

Enjoy the early morning sunlight. Sunlight activates the Vitamin D that is stored in the skin. Experts have found a link between Vitamin D and depression. Accordingly, depressed individuals are found to have low levels of Vitamin D in their body. During the winter months, taking Vitamin D supplements, can help individuals overcome depression.

Do brisk-walking exercises in the morning. Energy levels are particularly low when you are depressed. Keep them up with exercise. Brisk walking is good exercise. Make sure you are properly and comfortably dressed - it builds your confidence while making you comfortable at the same time.

Eat small but frequent meals. Don't stress your digestive system out. Eat meals that are healthy and easy to digest. Avoid sugar, especially refined sugar, but have enough protein.

Keep your surroundings well-lighted. Dim or dark lights can further dampen your mood, but blinking and glaring lights can make you feel agitated.

Re-organize your stuff. Putting order in your life can reduce symptoms of depression. Rearrange your furniture, sort your clothes.

Attend a charity event or organize one. This helps to make you realize how blessed you are.

Be around little children. The innocence of a child never fails to put a smile on someone's lips.

Do something childlike. Go to the park, eat ice cream on a cone, ride the ferris wheel. Doing childlike things makes it easier to smile and laugh and forget about your problems.

Get a hobby. Engage yourself in something productive. Do a cross-stitch project, write a blog, sell stuff online. These things can help you improve your focus and determination.

Read a book, one that will give you a good laugh. Try Sophie Kinsella's books - they are, to me, an anti-depressant.

Drink chamomile tea after dinner. Chamomile helps with digestion. It also relaxes and helps depressed individuals sleep better.

Take a warm bath at night. Infuse your bath water with lavender oil or salt. Doing so calms the nerves, preparing you to a restful sleep.

Take vitamin supplements. Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients your body needs to be in sufficient amounts to prevent bouts of depression. While on vitamin supplementation, avoid consuming too much sugar, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine as these can interfere with your body's ability to absorb these vitamins.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Are You Depressed? Best Treatment Options for Depression

If you have been feeling sad, low or miserable for more than a few weeks, chances are that you are suffering from depression. Here are some guidelines to find out if you are depressed.

Indicators of Depression

The most important indicators of depression include the following:

Ongoing feelings of sadness,

Feelings of failure and worthlessness

Feeling guilty about things you have no reason to feel guilty about

Feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope

Feeling restless or excessively busy

Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy

Withdrawal from family and friends

Avoidance of social interactions

Frequent frustration

Annoyance, irritability and anger

Loss of confidence and low self-esteem

Poor concentration and indecisiveness

Fatigue and having no energy

Poor concentration, difficulty thinking and remembering

Sleeping problems

Feeling sick and rundown

Changes in appetite, including weight loss or weight gain

Overuse or reliance on alcohol, prescribed or illicit drugs

Recurrent thoughts of self-harm or death.

If you are experiencing more than four of these symptoms, it is worth getting some form of support. Depression is a serious condition that requires attention. It can also have significant negative effects on your physical and mental health.

The good news is that depression is treatable. Once a diagnosis of depression is confirmed and you know what kind of depression you are suffering from, you can consider different kinds of treatment.

Psychological Treatments

Psychological treatments for depression include a variety of therapies, including cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. The goal of psychological intervention is to help you correct your negative thought patterns and assist you in finding new ways to improve your relationships.

Therapy can help you to change your unhelpful beliefs, thoughts and feelings and encourage you to get involved in activities that promote your wellbeing.


Antidepressant medication can play an important role in your recovery. If your depression is severe, your physician may prescribe medication to complement psychological treatment. The goal of using antidepressants is to treat an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Medication helps to rebalance these chemicals.

Lifestyle Changes

One of the most important things you can do to help yourself recover from depression is to make radical lifestyle changes. These include a healthy diet, getting adequate exercise, building a support system, engaging in activities that contribute to happiness, and stabilising your sleeping pattern.

It is important to be proactive in managing your depression. If you do not take the necessary steps to help yourself, nobody else will. It is also important to know that the earlier you get help, the faster you can recover.

It may help to keep a journal to record your progress. Writing down feelings or questions before seeing your doctor or mental health professional may help you to be more direct in your approach to explore different treatment options.

Lastly, no matter how bad you are feeling, keep your hope alive that you can get better. Stick with treatment plans and let your doctor know when you are not coping. You do not have to suffer alone.

How To Treat Depression - Is There An Easy Way?

If you have recently started to feel depressed and this a new experience for you or you have only had depressive feelings very rarely in the past then there could be an easy way for you to deal with this episode in your life. Let me clarify what exactly I mean by "easy" here, as you are probably aware not many things in life are ever easy but what I am talking about here is that there are things you can try yourself before resorting to a visit to the family doctor and coming away with a prescription for an anti-depressant medication. However if you are in a deep depression and cannot see any way out of it then you do need to visit your doctor now or in an emergency dial 911 (999), whatever your country's emergency number is.

By making some small manageable changes to your lifestyle you can actually make a big difference to the way you may be feeling at the moment. Perhaps it would help if you were to make some daily or weekly goals, things you would like to accomplish that would make you feel good about yourself, it will be very difficult to feel depressed and good about yourself at the same time, try it and see. A word of advice here, make sure you initially keep your goals small and achievable at first, you can move onto bigger goals as you progress. If you aim too high with your goal and fail to reach that height then you will almost certainly take a step back towards depression, who doesn't feel depressed when they fail at something?

Here are a few suggestions you may want to try:

• Pick a small room in your house that needs a spring clean maybe or perhaps you haven't sorted out that linen cupboard (closet) in a long time and it is in dire need of a reorganisation. Take your time, re-arrange the order, throw out old items you haven't used in a long time, perhaps give them to a charity if they are still in good condition. Then stand back and admire your work. Not only did you take your mind off your depression while you where doing this you now have the tidiest closet in the neighbourhood. By the way this works for men too not just the ladies, so come on guys, try it.

• Exercise is one of the most powerful ways to counteract depressive feelings, it has a direct impact on the mood changing chemicals in your brain. Start slowly, especially if you haven't exercised for a long time and do see your doctor first if you have any medical condition that may be worsened by exercise or if you haven't had a check up in some time. A daily walk is a great way to start, you need to keep it up and make it a habit. You may prefer cycling or swimming or decide to take up a sport. Not only will your depression improve but your overall physical health will see great benefits too.

• Continually watching bad news on television or reading about it in newspapers makes anyone feel down and depressed but if you are prone to depression then these things can be a major trigger for you and will keep the circle of depression going, making it much harder for you to improve and feel good about yourself. Make a point of avoiding news for a week and see how much better you feel. You don't need to cut yourself off from what's happening in the world, just cut down on the time spent dwelling on the bad things that are going on, perhaps have a catch up once a week and then clear it out of your mind, much bad news is repeated daily on all the bulletins and listening to it over and over again will only act to re-enforce your low mood.

• Try to fill your day with uplifting things such as soothing music, positive thinking, inspiring movies, plenty of fresh air and good healthy food and exercise and you will begin to feel much better about yourself and your surroundings.

Remember, every journey in life begins with just one step, resolve to make that step today and you will be on the way to a much happier and healthier life, a life you deserve, you can do it, just make the decision today and you will be well on your way.

© Andrew Tudor Jones

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Understanding The Various Types Of Depression

Depression is one of the most well known and commonly seen psychiatric disorders. Although stress contributes to being afflicted by depression, the affects of stress is not depression. Neither is depression feeling blue or sad for few days. Depression is characterized by intense and relentless feelings of worthlessness or guilt, sadness, difficulties with attention and memory, inability to find pleasure or enjoy anything, aberrations in sleep and eating habits, fluctuation in energy levels and at its extreme recurrent suicidal tendencies. All of these or most of these signs persisting over more than two weeks would be sufficient for a diagnosis of depressive disorder. However depression is not a single entity, it is a group of disorders lumped together under the label of mood disorders. The primary and common symptom that characterizes these disorders is mood vacillations. There are three major types of depression: Major Depressive disorder, Dysthemia and Bipolar disorder.

Types of Depression:

Major depressive disorder also called clinical depression is characterized by all of the symptoms described above. The symptoms are present for at least two weeks with an intensity that debilitates the individuals normal day to day functioning. Individuals who suffer from this type of depression might have just one single episode or might have recurrent relapses through out their lives. Major depression is more common among females than males. The symptom patterns in males are set apart from typical female symptom pattern. Men are more likely to be violent and aggressive unlike the more passive, lethargic and subdued affect observed in females. Major depression can be treated with antidepressants and psychological therapy.

Dysthemia also called mild or chronic depression is characterized by a milder and longer lasting symptom pattern of the major depression. The symptoms could last for as long as two years and sometimes are interspersed with episodes of clinical depression. When Dysthemia occurs together with major depression a diagnosis of double depression is applied. Afflicted individuals or their near and dear ones might not recognize that the person is depressed as the symptoms are mild and last long enough to give the impression that it is a personality pattern rather than an illness. However Dysthemia can be formally diagnosed and treated with anti depression medication and therapy.

Bipolar Disorder as its name implies has a symptom pattern of dramatic mood oscillations from a depressed extreme to a manic extreme characterized by elation or euphoria. The moods swings can take place over a varied time frame moving from one mood to the other gradually over time or rapidly within a matter of minutes. The depression in bipolar disorder is characterized by the regular depression symptoms, however the manic cycle brings with it sleeplessness, restless hyper activity, euphoria, and some thought disorder symptoms like hallucinations, delusions and extreme rage leading to impaired day to day functioning and social life.

Other less common and milder forms of depression include atypical depression, post partum depression, seasonal affective disorder and substance induced depression. If you suspect you have depression and have the characteristic symptoms such as difficulty in sleeping or staying awake, increased or decreased appetite, inability to concentrate, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, extreme mood swings, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies seek medical help immediately.

What Is Good For Fighting Off Depression?

Depression is not a sign of weakness. It is a normal reaction to certain events that happen in our lives that we don't like and which we have no control over. It is normal to get depressed once in a while when the situation so warrants it. But of course it's totally another thing when you get depressed more often, sometimes with no particular reason at all, or when your depression comes to the point when your health, work performance and relationships are already compromised. If you don't want either of this to happen, consider these depression busters:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. You might have heard about Omega-3 fatty acids too often. These essential fatty acids have always been linked to heart health, but studies are suggesting that these are very helpful in warding off depression, too. Eating fish, therefore, will be good for depressed individuals, but experts warn not to do it every day as fish may be contaminated with toxic ingredients. To be safe than sorry, take Omega 3 supplements or Fish Oil with Omega-3 supplements.

Sunshine. As studies show that more people tend to get depressed during the cold months experts suggest that a little bit of sunshine every morning will help keep depression away. But of course, you can't stay too long out in the sun without protection. A good time to enjoy it is before eight in the morning. At 9am, the heat starts to sting the skin already, and that kind of heat will do you more harm than good.

Vitamins. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D all help to improve brain and nerve function and increase the production of serotonin.

Exercise. A 15-30 minute jog around the plaza or your very own neighborhood can improve your mood. You may not feel like doing it, but you have to force yourself. Once you get into the habit of exercising every morning, you'll begin to notice that you are not getting depressed often anymore.

Meditation and Deep Breathing. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can also lift your mood up while calming your nerves and bringing your stress levels down at the same time. Try this early in the morning or at night before you sleep.

Good Nutrition. Don't let depression ruin your appetite. Eat anyway, even if you don't feel like to. But make wise food choices. Make sure to include fruits, vegetables, and walnuts in your diet. Rather than take comfort in chocolates and junk foods, munch on vegetable sticks instead. Carrot sticks, cucumber and apple slices (minus the mayo dip, of course) are great companions during snack time. Never skip your meals. Have 5-6 small meals a day, instead of 3 big meals. It's important to go easy on your stomach as a sluggish metabolism can set off depressive attacks. Avoid fried and fatty foods, then, and too much sweets.

Talk. Verbalize your thoughts and your feelings. Don't keep them in. Talk to someone you trust - your best friend, partner, parent, relative, anyone. It's easier to cope with depression that way.

Express yourself. Fight depression through art. Doodle, draw, dance, paint, write. Let your imagine run wild. Be creative in coping with depression.

Hobby. Getting a hobby keeps your mind off a lot of things, including depression. If you are immersed in a project, you may even forget that you are actually feeling sad or low at the moment. Think of something you've always wanted to do and get right on it. It's never too late to start anything, you know.

Feeling low? Try these depression-busters and kick depression out of your system!

A Cure For Depression - Understanding Depression

Depression is no longer a rare psychological condition in the world that we live in. Believe it or not, more people are finding themselves having to deal with depression now than they have ever been before. This is why it's important to understand it completely and whether or not there is truly a cure for depression.

What causes depression?

There are a wide variety of things that are known to cause depression. Here are the most common ones.

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Prescription Medications

Death of Someone Close

Child Abuse

Dissatisfaction With Life


Keep in mind that this isn't a complete list of depression causes but it gives you a general idea of some of the contributing factors that occurs the most among those suffering from depression. Finding out the root cause of one's depression is the first step to finding a cure for depression.

Can you inherit depression?
Depression can also be genetic which means that it can be inherited from family members. This isn't rare and one can be at risk if other members of their family are known to have depression. Finding a cure for depression that's genetic is the same as curing depression caused by other factors.

Depression Symptoms
Knowing what to look for in someone who has depression will help you guide them towards finding a cure for depression that can actually work for them. While there's a wide range of symptoms associated with depression the most common ones have been listed below for you.


Sleeping More than Usual

Lack of Interest In Activities that One Used to Enjoy

Lack of Concentration

Suicidal Ideations

Homicidal Thoughts and/or Actions

Lacking Self Confidence


If you or anyone that you know experiences any of these symptoms than professional help needs to be sought from a psychiatrist or medical facility. The outcome of depression could be one that's devastating and life-threatening if a cure for depression isn't sought out.

A Cure for Depression
Is there truly a cure for depression like many people say that there is?

Yes, but the cure that will work varies from person to person. The most common depression cures are therapy and prescription medications. It's important that you look at the benefits and disadvantages of each option in order to understand which route is the best to take and what to expect from it. If you're still unsure it's advised that you seek the assistance of a psychiatric professional.

How To Recognise The Difference Between Mild Depression And a Case Of The Blues

Is feeling down or having a case of the blues the same as having mild depression? Many people may make the comment "I'm feeling depressed today" when in fact they are perhaps having a bad day and feeling a bit down. The two conditions can be related, having too many "bad days" or feeling "blue" continually can develop into mild depression but they start out as two quite different conditions. Having a bad day or feeling down is completely normal and we all suffer these days from time to time but mild depression is an actual mental health disorder requiring treatment of some type to enable us to recover our normal balanced outlook on life.

How do we tell the difference between mild depression and a case of the blues? If we have a case of the blues then these feelings are temporary and will dissipate fairly quickly, usually they don't last more than a few days or a week at most. However if we have feelings of worthlessness, intense sadness, feeling that there is no hope or that we want to cause harm to ourselves and these feelings last longer than a week then this is probably more than just feeling down and we are more than likely suffering from mild depression.

If you believe you may be suffering from mild depression then your first port of call should be a visit to your family doctor as only he or she can correctly diagnose the condition and propose a course of treatment best suited to your symptoms. Mild depression is completely treatable but should not be taken lightly as failing to seek out a diagnosis and treatment can lead to a far more serious condition which has the potential to be life threatening.

There are several ways to treat mild depression, here are 4 solutions available to you, your doctor may prescribe one or a combination of treatment depending on your symptoms and their severity.

Medication - usually anti-depressants

Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Psychotherapy

Exercise - excellent natural way to treat mild depression

Dietary Changes - healthy eating can aid recovery

In the past anti-depressants would often be a doctors first choice of treatment and if one drug was not working effectively they would add a second drug without hesitation.

Nowadays, following years of research and study, talking therapies are thought to be as effective if not more so than medication and will frequently be offered either before or alongside a course of anti-depressants.

So if you feel you may have crossed the line from feeling blue to having mild depression then fear not, you do not have to suffer in silence, there is help available. Seek help from your doctor, eat a healthy balanced diet, get daily exercise, consider talking therapies and if necessary a course of anti-depressant medication and you will soon be back on track and feeling depression free.

© Andrew Tudor Jones

Saturday, March 24, 2012

What Every Pregnant Woman Needs To Know About Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is any moderate to severe depression that develops in a woman following the birth of a child. It can develop shortly after the birth has occurred or it can sometimes take as long as one year to manifest. It most often develops within the first three months following the baby's birth.

What Are Some Of The Causes Of Postpartum Depression

Most women experience some mood changes while they are pregnant. This is entirely normal. These mood can become pronounced just after a baby has been delivered and are most mostly related to fluctuations in hormone levels. It is important to know, however, other, non-hormonal issues can also affect a woman's mood after she has had a baby. These include things such as differences to the way in which she perceives her body image, changes in her work and/or social relationships, the often extended sleep disturbances she is experiencing because of middle of the night feedings and the experience of having significantly less time to devote to herself on a daily basis. Some women experience worry a great deal about how they will perform or function as a new mother and this can lead to serious increases in anxiety levels.

In the past, women who had these kind of feelings were said to be having "baby blues" and their feelings usually resolved themselves within a few months. It is when feelings like this persist that they move into the

These kinds of feelings were once described as "baby blues" and usually resolve themselves within a relatively short period of time without the need for any treatment.

It is when they persist for a period of more than about three months that they move into the domain of postpartum depression.

Risk Factors For Postpartum Depression

There are several known risk factors for postpartum depression and they are:

• Being younger than age 20 when the first baby is delivered;

• Alcohol or drug abuse or smoking cigarettes'

• A previous incident of depression or a previous diagnosis of bipolar or anxiety disorder;

• Having a high-risk pregnancy or a difficult delivery

• Having a close family member with either an anxiety disorder or a depressive illness;

• Having a poor relationship with their significant other or

• Having serious financial issues that are unremitting

The Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression Mimic Those Of Major Depression

The symptoms of postpartum depression are very closely related to those of a major depression. Most women who are experiencing postpartum depression feel very sad and can not explain why. Some women might become very agitated and irritable. Still others experience severe disruptions to their appetite. Other women report feeling extreme guilt or a sense of worthlessness and stop being able to take pleasure in things that used to interest them a great deal in the past. Other women report trouble with their concentration or problems with their sleep patterns that are not related to their new infant. Other women begin to experience very negative feelings toward their new baby or might even begin to think about suicide or death.

There are not diagnostic tests that can be run in order to determine if a woman is suffering from postpartum depression. If you know of someone who is reporting feelings like this, a visit to her family doctor or obstetrician is necessary. The doctor may administer something called the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is an extremely accurate test that screens for depression in general.

There Are Many Different Ways To Treat Postpartum Depression

A new mother that is suffering from symptoms that may be postpartum depression should seek help as quickly as possible. It is important to know that she need not suffer in silence. Help is available and relatively easy to come by. There are some measures she can take before help arrives and these include:

• Getting as much rest as possible, sleeping when the baby sleeps;

• Enlisting the help of the significant other and family members with household chores;

• Hiring a mother's helper for a few hours a day;

• Seeking out a support group.

The benefits that can be derived from therapy should never be discounted. There are also a number of anti-depressant medications which do not pass through the breast milk and which can be a tremendous help. Using medication or therapy provided by a professional mental health practitioner can make all the difference in the world and either greatly reduce or eliminate entirely the symptoms of postpartum depression for nearly every woman who is experiencing it.