Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Stop Suffering Through Dream Therapy - Positive Results Already Tested Over Two Decades

I continued Carl Jung's research in the unknown region of the human soul through dream interpretation. This was to what extent I could prove that his process is the only correct one. I've prosperously cured many people who suffered from dissimilar mental illnesses through dream therapy upper two decades. They also had manifold daily problems, which gradually stopped torturing them.

Our psyche is always reflected in our momentous reality. Everything is related. Nothing works independently of anything else. On the contrary; you'll expose to view numerous relations between many supposedly unconventional facts of your daily reality.

You'll furthermore discover the relations existent between the facts of your apparent reality with what happens inside your brain.

You'll delay suffering as you take action and you terminate what the unconscious mind shows you in the day-~ images. You need the unconscious lead because you are an absurd metropolitan who has only a tiny human the still small voice. You don't know what is excellent or bad for you.

You save your selfish ego without knowing that your ego kills your personality and provokes ~ persons problematic life situations. You care too much about your social position and other the million's opinion, while you live in a crazy world. You must care about your material development. Your society is selfish, irrational, and basically indifferent to what happens to you.

You be bound to be humble, and recognize your nugacity. Don't insist on following your going to decay points of view. You'll in due succession stop suffering as you change your port.. This is the biggest secret in quest of finding peace and happiness in life.

You make your own suffering. Everything that happens to you is the conclusion of your own attitude in life, or the outcome of your intentions. Even when you cannot notice any relation between your actions or intentions and which happens in your daily life, everything that happens in your life is a weight of what you think and perform. There are many physical laws not even now discovered by our scientists, which bound the development of our reality.

Our planet is programmed in bid to work like a place of change. We live in order to metamorphose the demon we have inherited in the biggest lot of our brain (anti-conscience) into a human essence. This is why everything on Earth is at all times related to the transformation of our deportment.

Your anti-conscience is a grave conscience that has satanic characteristics and generates intellectual illnesses within the human side of your conscience. You suffer in life whenever you take . following the absurd suggestions of our reverse anti-conscience.

You may believe that you are a richness person and you have never had somewhat absurd desire, but you are in a great degree from perfect. Besides this fact, you put on't know how to recognize the folly of your anti-conscience. Many of the things you be attentive to logical are totally false. You are unlettered, and you are also influenced by the erroneous mindset of society at abundant.

The unconscious mind will help you change the nature of your personality through dream messages. You'll check suffering because you'll stop essential ~ a slave of your wild creation. Your human conscience will be completely developed and you'll practice all your capacities. Your happiness faculty of volition be based on your peace of spirit. Your daily life will follow the peace of your behavior.

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